Vol. 17 (2014 year), No. 3
A.P. Zhichkin
Spatial and temporal variability of commercial significance of different fishery areas in the Barents Sea
The paper analyzes results of studies on spatial and temporal variability in commercial significance of fisheries areas in the Barents Sea over the last quarter of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. It has now been found that there is a substantial correlation between the geography and commercial success of fisheries on the one hand and thermal conditions of waters and the ice regime on the other hand. The paper suggests that commercial value of fishery areas largely depends on influence of man-caused factors. The paper also reveals inter-annual variability in species composition of catches.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 5, tables. 0, ref 19, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)