Vol. 17 (2014 year), No. 1
V.V. Bystrov, A.V. Masloboev, S.N. Malygina, D.N. Khaliullina
Development of manpower needs simulation models for regional economics basic trades (by the example of the Murmansk region)
The paper represents research and work-out results in the field of model and software development for personnel security management information and analytical support of the regional economics. For decision-making support in the field of regional personnel policy manpower needs simulation models of the regional economics basic trades by the example of the Murmansk region have been developed. Some model examples providing manpower needs prediction and assessment for mining industry and trade business have been represented.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 13, tables. 0, ref 12, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 17 (2014 year), No. 3
For agent of management interaction efficiency enhancement and information needs satisfaction, participating in developing and settling process management of the Arctic territories, a research prototype of the virtual integration platform BarentsNet represented as a multi-domain web-service has been developed. The web-service implements functionality of a professional social network which integrates experts, interested business associations and governmental agencies for cooperation in the field of safeguarding and innovation development of the Arctic regions. BarentsNet provides expert knowledge integration and professional contacts linking automation within the system for management problem-solving information support of the Arctic risk-sustainable development.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 1, tables. 1, ref 9, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)