Vol. 18 (2015 year), No. 4
Vlasov A. B., Vlasova S. V., Alloyarov K. B., Muhalev V. A.
The method of controlling the properties of rubber insulation of cables
The method of controlling the properties of rubber insulation of cables allowing evaluation of the technical condition of the insulation during aging has been developed. The method is based on measuring the hardness of the insulation during operation
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 14, tables. 1, ref 4, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 22 (2019 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-4
Vlasov A. B., Alloyarov K. B.
Features of implementing the quantitative thermographic diagnostics method while introducing digital technology
The development of non-destructive testing methods for power equipment including methods of thermal imaging diagnostics is relevant in view of the tasks set for implementing the concept of "Digital Transformation 2030". The paper provides a review and theoretical analysis of the problems that arise during the quantitative thermographic diagnostics of electrical equipment. On the example of analysis of the thermal imaging tests of heating a contact compound during electric current flow, the advantages of the method and the disadvantages of the existing approaches have been considered. It has been shown that with the existing recommendations for processing thermal imaging tests, in particular, "RD 34.45-51.300-97. Scope and norms of testing electrical equipment", forecasting and expert assessment of the thermal state lead to significant errors. The data of numerous diagnostic parameters taken into account in the process of thermal imaging diagnostics have been evaluated, namely: current load, geometric and thermophysical parameters of the object and the environment, emissivity, wind speed and others. Taking into account the electrophysical parameters of an object, the features of its structure allows for an adequate expert assessment and data reduction to a single criterion; this makes it possible to compare the results of various tests, to accumulate a data bank, the prospect of which is to calculate reliability indicators and recommendations for improving the technical base of power engineering. The similar approach headed by the analysis of quantitative data accumulated during thermal imaging tests, and a comparative analysis of the data of other diagnostic methods, will make it possible to implement and expand the capabilities of the method when developing digital technologies.
(in Russian, стр.11, fig. 9, tables. 0, ref 13, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)