Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-2
Kalinina N. R., Anokhina V. S., Kravets P. P., Tyukina O. S.
Weight growth of different generation of the trout Parasalmo mykiss on Lake Imandra
The averaged indicators of the weight growth of four generations of trout at different temperatures in the time interval of the life cycle from the transfer of larvae to cultivation until the fish reaches a portioned commercial weight of 400 g when the first withdrawal of products for sale takes place have been analyzed. It has been shown that fish of different generations passes into the weight category "goods" sequentially, but after reaching different ages, while there is no direct correlation between the terms "generation formation" – "first withdrawal for sale". According to our data the most intensive weight growth of fish has been noted in the temperature range equal to 8–13 °C. An increase in the water temperature in the cages to 15–18 °C has led to a slowdown, and then to the suspension of the accumulation of fish biomass. In cages operating in the area of Kola NPP heated water trout of April generation gains the commercial weight of 400 g in 7–8 months after landing of larvae for cultivation, November trout – after 15 months. Trout of October and January generation reaches commercial weight at 11 and 9 months, respectively. The stretching of timing of biomass accumulation is most pronounced in the autumn generation of trout. It has been found that the greatest increase in weight per unit body (145.1 mg per day) is provided by the trout of the January biological group, the smallest – by the November trout (75.8 mg per day). The energy reserve of heat allowing for differently derived individuals to reach a commodity weight of 400 g, is in the range from 3 320 to 5 300 degree-day.
(in English, стр.8, fig. 6, tables. 4, ref 13, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-2
Livadina L. V., Anokhina V. S.
Morphological development of the digestive system of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in the Umba farm during the endogenous feeding
The morphological and histological characteristics of the digestive system ontogenesis in hatchery of the Atlantic salmon larvae during the endogenous feeding period have been given. An analysis of a number of articles updating information on modern studies of the digestive system in the early ontogeny of various groups of fish has been carried out. The samples were collected at the Umba hatchery in 2015–2016. The authors have performed morphological and histological analyses of embryos and larvae, histological examination of the digestive system of larvae during the transition to exogenous nutrition, the establishment of biological age at the time of certain events in the ontogenesis of the digestive system. Actual values of the biological age of Umba hatchery larvae, at which they shift to the mixed (580 tau-somite) and exogenous (630 tau-somite) feeding have been determined. The obtained results have been compared with the literature data when development of Atlantic salmon larvae takes place in conditions with controlled temperature. Variation in biological age values, when formation of the digestive system structures takes place, has pointed at the functional and morphological differences in ontogenesis of the Atlantic salmon from natural and artificial water circumstances. Development of the Atlantic salmon larvae after hatching in cold-water conditions (3–4 ?С, the Umba hatchery), sequence of the digestive system structures composition, and establishment of the functional readiness to food assimilation has been shown. In this period the growth rate of larvae has been evaluated. The organs responsible for exogenous feeding have been divided into 3 groups, and analysis of their ontogenesis has been performed. It has been recommended to start exogenous feeding with 15–20 % of yolk in presence, at the biological age of 540 tau-somite, 45–48 days after hatching in our case.
(in English, стр.15, fig. 12, tables. 4, ref 26, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)