Vol. 25 (2022 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2022-25-4
Petrov T. I., Safin A. R., Gracheva E. I., Ivshin I. V., Tsvetkov A. N., Basenko V. R.
Simulation of operating the equipment of mobile charging installation for charging electric vehicles to confirm compliance with climatic and mechanical performance groups
The development of electric transport is inextricably linked with the modernization of the associated infrastructure, and one of the factors for the slow introduction of electric transport in Russia is the small number of charging stations. But most of the existing solutions in the field of charging stations have a drawback – the lack of mobile installations. The team of Kazan State Power Engineering University (KSPEU) and Production Association "Zarnitsa" is developing a mobile electric vehicle charge units (MSCEU). At the design stage, a problem has arisen with the fact that it would be difficult to conduct constant tests on a full-fledged prototype of the MSCEU due to the weight and size parameters of the equipment. At the same time, there is a need for preliminary confirmation of the compliance of the MSCEU with the climatic (UHL1) and mechanical performance (M3) groups. To accomplish this task, it was decided to simulate the work of the MSCEU in the COMSOL software. For solving this problem, it is necessary to simulate a module of four rechargeable batteries in order to confirm the manufacturer's parameters, and thus verify the resulting model. Based on these results, a complete MSCEU model consisting of 1,200 batteries can be implemented, which can be used to check compliance with the given conditions. For thermal calculations, it is necessary to check the pre-selected parameters of the air conditioning power, and to select the thickness of the thermal insulation. As a result a 3D model has been implemented in COMSOL, the parameters of all materials used have been determined, the connections of solutions have been built, physics of processes and the type of a solver have been selected. Based on the simulation, the insulation thickness has been chosen, the results of simulation of operating the air conditioning system to maintain the operating temperature of the batteries have been obtained, and the results have been demonstrated that confirm the mechanical reliability of the MSCEU.
(in Russian, стр.12, fig. 9, tables. 4, ref 25, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 26 (2023 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2023-26-4
Safin A. R., Tsvetkov A. N., Lyamzina D. Yu., Petrov T. I., Basenko V. R.
Modeling the operation of an induction charger for mobile charging of electric vehicles
The speed of implementation of electric vehicles depends on the level of development of the charging infrastructure, which is subject to ever new requirements, including increasing ease of use and reducing charging time. A solution to the problem could be an introduction of wireless charging of electric vehicles (inductive charging device – WPT). However, in order to produce an effective WPT (without preliminary calculation and modeling the efficiency of the device may not reach 10 %), it is necessary to select the parameters of the coils and simulate the frequency characteristics of the voltage. For this purpose, as part of the implementation of the project to create a mobile charging installation for electric vehicles, the problem of modeling the operation of the WPT has been solved. In accordance with the technical specifications, a coil has been built in Excel, which was used as geometry in Comsol to evaluate the distribution of magnetic fields. To study the frequency characteristics, the CST Studio program has been used. Using these programs, we simulated various methods for implementing the WPT with obtaining frequency characteristics. It has been confirmed that the coupling coefficient increases with decreasing distance between parts of the WPT. Calculations of resonant circuits and the expected efficiency for both types of resonant circuits have been carried out, and it has been concluded that decreasing the distance leads to a decrease in the resonant frequency of the system of connected circuits. The developed model allows us to obtain the values of the circuit capacitances for the formation of resonance, move on to practical implementation and verify the resulting models.
(in Russian, стр.12, fig. 10, tables. 0, ref 21, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)