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Vol. 19 (2016 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-4

Beley V. F., Kharitonov M. S.
LED lamps in shipboard lighting systems: aspects of electromagnetic compatibility

Trends in the development of different types of light sources and their energy characteristics have been described in the paper. Analysis of regulatory documents has been given. The results of experimental studies of a number of modern LED lamps have been described. Investigation has been made for a number of LED lamps produced by Philips, Xavax and Melitec. The experimental data have been obtained with the complex of devices: the dual-channel oscilloscope (GDS-71042), the power quality analyzer (Fluke-434) and the multi-function device EcoLight-01 (light-, pulse- and luminance meter). It has been shown that operation of LED lamps is characterized by emission of higher current harmonics and reactive power consumption, which depends on the type and design of the lamp driver. It has been found that the value of luminance created by LED lamps in case of acceptable (for ships) prolonged deviation of voltage (–10 %) is reduced by 3 %; in case of permissible short-term voltage deviation (–20 %) luminance is reduced by 7 %. For incandescent lamps this indicator is characterized by a decrease in luminance by 40 % and 60 %, respectively. Despite the low sensitivity to voltage changes (in comparison with other types of lamps), the operation of LED lamps is also associated with the appearance of flicker. Absence of limitations for fluctuations of the light flux in shipboard lighting systems and imperfection of methods for determining the flicker make it difficult to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of LED lamps. Therefore due to reliability, environmental friendliness, energy efficiency and lumen maintenance LED lamps have prospects for introduction into shipboard lighting systems. However, to ensure electromagnetic compatibility of LED lighting systems it is necessary to conduct a detailed study of energy characteristics of LED lamps and to develop appropriate regulatory requirements and technical solutions.

(in English, стр.10, fig. 9, tables. 4, ref 12, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)

Vol. 23 (2020 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-4

Beley V. F., Kotsar G. V.
Assessment of wind energy potential ofthe Murmansk Regionand performance of Kola wind farm

The paper gives an analysis of perspectives for development of wind power generation, information on the share of wind energy in electricity generation in the world and in Russian Federation is provided as well. Data on gross, technical, economic potential of wind energy of Russia and the Murmansk Region has been presented. When calculating the gross wind energy potential of the region, data from the last 10 years of observations carried out at 37 meteorological stations have been used. The territory of the region has been divided into 6 distinctive zones, based on the wind activity. Gross energy potential has been calculated for each zone: for the heights of 10, 50, 100, and 150 m. Gross wind energy potential of the region at the height of 150 m has thus been estimated at 23,090 billion kWh. The Murmansk Region's 201 MW Kola wind farm, which consists of 57 Siemens Gamesa SG 3.4-132 wind turbines with a unit capacity of 3.465 MW, is to be constructed by 2021 under the direction of Enel Green Power. Wind energy potential and annual power generation of the Kola wind farm have been assessed. The difference between the obtained results and calculations of Enel Group's specialists amounts to less than 15 %. For the cases of relocation of Kola wind farm to different wind zones, the annual power generation of the wind farm has been estimated. It has been determined, that in case of Kola wind farm's relocation to the zone with the highest wind activity its annual electricity generation could be increased up to 1.5 times. A model of the Kola energy system has been developed in NEPLAN software, its validity has been proven. The calculations of the wind farm's operation modes show that voltage levels of the system nodes and powerflows are within the boundaries defined by normative documents. The effectiveness of reactive power regulation of the wind farm has been shown.

(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 7, tables. 13, ref 13, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)

Vol. 27 (2024 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-4

Beley V. F., Korotkikh K. V.
Efficiency increasing of a shipyard power supply system

The development of the shipbuilding industry involves increasing the competitiveness of manufactured products, replacing obsolete electrical equipment, and increasing the efficiency of power supply systems. The introduction of the latest technologies reduces the weight and size of equipment, expands their functionality, but these technologies are based on nonlinear and asymmetrical power consumers, which causes a negative impact on the power grid. The power supply system of the Baltic Shipyard "Yantar" is characterized by a significant share of nonlinear, asymmetrical loads, often single-phase. An integrated approach to the analysis of the plant's power supply system included experimental studies of nonlinear power consumers, during which a high level of higher current harmonics (3rd, 5th and 7th orders) was established. One of the effective methods for reducing zero-sequence voltage asymmetry is to replace a transformer with a Y/Y0 winding connection diagram with a ?/Y0 diagram. Circuit and technological solutions (separation of nonlinear loads to a separate bus system; increasing the phase of semiconductor converters; connecting a nonlinear load to a system with greater short-circuit power) and filtering devices (narrow-band filters, filter-balancing devices and active filters) are used to increase the efficiency of the power supply system when it operates under conditions of increasing distorting loads.

(in Russian, стр.13, fig. 11, tables. 12, ref 10, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)