Vol. 26 (2023 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2023-26-2
Goryachev A. A., Makarov D. V., Potapov S. S., Belyaevskiy A. T., Semushin V. V., Kompanchenko A. A.
Processing of ore from the Nud II deposit by the method of low-temperature roasting with ammonium sulfate
The Murmansk region has a significant amount of sulfide copper-nickel raw materials. Deposits of the Nud massif associated with Monchepluton are promising for processing. The Nud II deposit cut-off grade ore with an initial Ni content of 0.45 % and Cu of 0.39 % has been chosen as the research object. During the research, the ore was mixed with ammonium sulfate, grinded, and the mixture was roasted in a muffle furnace with static air atmosphere. The roasted mixture was leached in heated distilled water with constant stirring. The maximum metals recovery was achieved when crushing to a fraction of –40 µm, the ratio of ore : ammonium sulfate is equal to 1 : 7, roasting temperature 400 °C, roasting duration 300 min. In the mixture roasted at these parameters, reflexes of copper and nickel sulfates were recorded by the x-ray phase analysis (XRD) method. At the stage of water leaching, the maximum recovery was: Ni – 79.1 %, Cu – 75.8 %.
(in Russian, стр.13, fig. 10, tables. 0, ref 15, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)