Vol. 1 (1998 year), No. 1
Bezuglova M.A., Syurina T.S.
Topical Problems of the Statistical Account in Reformed Russian Economy
Sorry, English abstract of this article is absent.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 6, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 245 Kb)
Vol. 4 (2001 year), No. 1
Bezuglova M.A.
Basic problems of regional power policy and principles of its formation
The paper has presented the term "power policy of region" and has shown the aim of the policy, its priorities and ways of realization. The energetic programme of the Murmansk region has been taken as an example.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 0, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 12 Kb)
Vol. 4 (2001 year), No. 1
Bezuglova M.A., Gomonov N.D.
Some international aspects of prevention of legalization of incomes obtained by a pirate way
In the paper international aspects of the prevention of legalization of the incomes obtained by a pirate way have been analyzed. It has been underlined that the shade economics has caused damage not only to the developing and weak Russian economics, but also to the countries with developed and stable structure. The necessity of conducting of all-round economical and criminological analysis of foreign experience of the prevention of this phenomenon and further international cooperation in order to develop and apply the most effective measures of the prevention in our country has been considered.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 8, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 12 Kb)
Vol. 4 (2001 year), No. 2
Bezuglova M.A.
Analysis and prediction of energy consuming and energy saving problems in the Murmansk region
The paper is dedicated to the problem of energy consuming and energy saving in the Murmansk region. The author has analyzed the power resources, the balance of the electrical power distribution among branches of the Murmansk region economy. The author has proposed the program "energy saving-2". The study of the state, experience and outlooks of the power complex of the Murmansk region has shown the necessity to develop the optimal program of power building.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 1, tables. 3, ref 3, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 20 Kb)
Vol. 8 (2005 year), No. 2
Bezuglova M.A.
Analysis of economic indices in the system of national economic safety
The paper analyses the mechanisms and processes directly influencing on national economic safety. The main models and indicators of the state economic safety have been considered.
(in Russian, стр.3, fig. 0, tables. 1, ref 2, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 176 Kb)
Vol. 8 (2005 year), No. 2
Bezuglova M.A.
The Russian energy and the national economic safety
The paper analyses the problems of economic safety of Russia as one of the most important elements of national safety. The role of the fuel and energy complex of Russia in economic growth and lowering of dependence of Russian economics on external influence has been shown. The author has considered the necessity of choice between providing with fuel of internal needs, economic growth and receiving export currency.
(in Russian, стр.3, fig. 0, tables. 2, ref 6, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 152 Kb)
Vol. 9 (2006 year), No. 4
Bezuglova M.A.
Development of market of capitals in power system
Sorry, English abstract of this article is absent
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 0, tables. 1, ref 2, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 171 Kb)