Vol. 7 (2004 year), No. 3
Brodsky I.L., Milimukha I.N.
On research of geometric calculation of planetary transmissions with not round centric wheels and natatorial satellites
In this paper the calculation of the centroids of planetary transmissions with not round solar wheels and natatorial satellites, namely in the case when the external cotour is formed with congruented circumferences, has been considered. It helps to form the calculation algorithm of the transmission for the following investigation of its properties.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 5, tables. 0, ref 3, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 959 Kb)
Vol. 9 (2006 year), No. 2
Brodsky I.L., Milimukha I.N.
Some revolving-symmetrical features of planetary transmissions with non-round solar wheels and floating satellites
In the work the proofs of some geometrical features of planetary transmissions with non-round solar wheels and floating satellites have been considered. The algorithm of calculation of the transmission with the necessary combination of cambers at interior and exterior contoures has been given. The example of transmission with a number of cambers at interior and exterior contoures 5 3 has been shown.
(in Russian, стр.5, fig. 7, tables. 3, ref 5, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 266 Kb)