Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-3
Nizhelskaya K. V., Chizhikova O. G.
Development of new types of precooked meat products – cutlets for older people
The results of research of chopped semi-finished products (cutlets) developed on the basis of meat-seed minced meat with the addition of wheat germ, flour of wheaten whole meal, and representing value for people of elderly and old ages have been presented. The use of wheat germ is caused by increased content of essential amino acids in its composition, enzymatic and vitamin activity, the presence of dietary fiber; flour wheaten whole meal is characterized by a high number of biologically valuable substances and dietary fiber. The design of recipes for chopped semi-finished products is based on the principles of designing the gerodietic products, which should contain a sufficient number of high-grade proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, potassium, iron, and dietary fiber. As a control sample, a uniform recipe for cutlets "Domashnye" has been used, in experimental samples the minced meat in various dosages has been replaced by minced meat with the addition of wheat germ and flour of wheaten whole meal. In order to determine the optimum dosage of meat-filling in the recipes of cutlets there has been made an assessment of their quality by organoleptic indicators in their raw form and after they had been brought to the culinary level. The most significant organoleptic indicators of the quality of cutlets are smell and taste. The chemical and amino acid composition has been obtained and then analyzed by calculation and analytical analysis. An increase in the amount of protein (combined in addition) in meat-filling semi-products (cutlets) and an improvement in its amino acid composition that is adequate to the specifics of the gerodietic requirements have been shown. The value of the amino acid conformance coefficient has been determined: 0.60 – in cutlets with the addition of wheat germinated and 0.54 – in cutlets with the addition of wheat flour whole meal, increase in the amount of dietary fiber (up to 2.8 % and 2.0 %, respectively) and calcium (up to 29 mg/100 g and 17 mg/100 g), a decrease in fat content by 2.4 % and 1.9 % in comparison with the control sample.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 2, tables. 6, ref 12, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)