Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 3
Denisov D.B., Kashulin N.A., Terent'ev P.M., Val'kova S.A.
Current trends in biota changes of the Khibiny mountains freshwater ecosystems
The fauna of soil-dwelling invertebrate animals on the northeastern slope of Vudjavrchorr mountain (Khibiny massif) has been studied. Results concerning taxonomic and trophic diversity, number and biomass of invertebrates have been obtained. The domination structure of animal local communities in the mountain litters has been investigated. Similarity and differences in the community of invertebrate animals in the mountain and flat forest soils have been discussed.
(in Russian, стр.14, fig. 11, tables. 5, ref 38, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 16 (2013 year), No. 1
Kashulin N.A., Dauvalter V.A., Denisov D.B., Valkova S.A., Vandysh O.I., Terent'ev P.M., Kashulin A.N.
Some aspects of current state of freshwater resources in the Murmansk region
Aspects of reducing the resource potential of the surface waters of the Murmansk region in the global climate change and the environment and their irrational use have been considered. Increase of aquatic toxicity, radical restructuring of the structural and functional characteristics of aquatic communities, changes in trophic status of lakes, reducing the stability of freshwater ecosystems, increasing the risk of catastrophic degradation have been shown. Taking into account the regional peculiarities some indicators of the surface waters quality of the Murmansk region have been proposed.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 4, tables. 5, ref 13, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)