Vol. 6 (2003 year), No. 2
Dranitsa A.Yu.
Information technologies in enterprise management
The paper has considered some aspects of using enterprise resources planning (ERP) system, has analysed characteristics, objects and tasks of ERP.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 4, tables. 0, ref 5, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 96 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 1
Dranitsa Yu.P., Dranitsa A.Yu.
Some aspects of interpretation basing on theory of line dynamic systems
The scientific-methodical foundations of multi-agent technologies and system dynamics methods integration have been developed. The generalized intelligent agent activity model in the virtual business environment of innovation evolution has been considered. The survey of existent agent architectures has been represented. The hybrid intelligent agent architecture with internal simulation subsystem constituting a simulation engine (a complex of system-dynamic models) has been designed. Implementation approaches to agent simulation engine based on system-dynamic models in the multi-agent environment have been proposed.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 13, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 2
Dranitsa Yu.P., Dranitsa A.Yu.
Some problems based on dynamic simulation
The paper contains the analyses of knowledge of the Murmansk region flora and approaches to protection of plant associations. The problem of rare plants' distribution in plant communities has been considered. Some types of plant communities to be protected have been proposed.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 2, tables. 0, ref 20, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 2
Dranitsa Yu.P., Dranitsa A.Yu., Alekseevskaya O.V.
Spectral analysis based on the linear dynamic model
The paper considers some problems (tasks) in the framework of dynamic simulation including inverse and ill-posed tasks. It has been established that the classical solution of these tasks can be found in the context of so-called amplitude methods which resolution capability is in principle restricted by a length of a direct impulse wave. The reasons of weak resolution capability of amplitude methods have been analysed. Some proposals allowing to increase 1-2 orders of resolution capability of methods of some ill-posed tasks' solution have been made.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 9, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Dranitsa Yu.P., Dranitsa A.Yu., Alekseevskaya O.V.
Setting and solution of primal problem of linear optimal filtering
In the work interpretation of time sequences from the viewpoint of dynamic modeling has been considered. The developed technique can be used for the decision of rather wide range of problems, namely: at designing linear optimum filters; separation (division) of mix of signals on components; research of dynamic parameters of time numbers; the frequency analysis and others. In particular, by working out linear optimum filters on a signal unique restriction – invariance in time of its statistician of the second order has been imposed. It can be noticed that the classical approach at the decision of this problem imposes on an investigated signal essential aprioristic restrictions which are actually carried out only for a very narrow class of data.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 11, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)