Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 2
Masloboev V.A., Evdokimova G.A.
Bioremediation of oil product contaminated soils in conditions of North Near-Polar Area
The impact of oil products (gasoline, diesel fuel, stable gas condensate, fuel oil) in concentration from 1 to 10 % on the properties of the soil, plants and soil microbiota has been studied under field test experiments. Purification of cultivated podzolic soils from light hydrocarbons occurs within one vegetation period. For three months of the growing season gas condensate has been completely removed from the soil, diesel fuel – almost entirely (90 %); heavy hydrocarbons have been taken out of the soil at the rate of 70-85 %. We have selected a range of plants for bioremediation of soils at high latitudes. The following plants being highly resistant to the oil product contamination have been recommended for phytoremediation: Phalaroides arundinace, Festuca pratensis, Phleum pretense, Leymus arenarius. It is important to note that soil contamination with oil products has increased the proportion of opportunistic species of fungi compared with the control soil. In clean soil a fraction of opportunistic fungi accounted for 30 %, in the oil contaminated – 50-60 % of the total number of species.
(in English, стр.4, fig. 2, tables. 0, ref 5, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)