Vol. 9 (2006 year), No. 4
Getmanov V.V., Drozhdinina A.I.
On concept of energy safety and sustainable development of heat supply companies
The paper considers the questions of energy safety increasing and sustainable development of heat supply companies. The modern state of heat supply enterprises has been analyzed and the conclusion about necessity of the existing equipment modernization has been made. Some technical and organization measures as well as ways of their financing have been proposed.
(in Russian, стр.5, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 4, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 189 Kb)
Vol. 11 (2008 year), No. 2
Drozhdinina A.I., Getmanov V.V.
On the role of Russia in ensuring the global energy safety
The paper highlights the questions connected to the world power engineering development tendencies and Russian energy strategy. The main trends of energy saving and increase of economy energy effectiveness have been considered. The financial resources for realisation the energetic programme including law, administrative and economic measures have been analysed as well.
(in Russian, стр.5, fig. 3, tables. 3, ref 5, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)