Vol. 18 (2015 year), No. 4
Grokhovsky V. A., Molchanovsky I. A., Bondarenko A. G.
Developing the technology of mayonnaise sauce
with sea urchin caviar, laminaria and nettle
Some aspects of consumer demand on mayonnaise production have been found due to marketing researches. The technology of mayonnaise sauce using such valuable ingredients as sea urchin caviar, laminaria and nettle has been scientifically proved and produced. The formula of the new product composition has been developed; the specimens of such mayonnaise sauce have been made; they have been explored during their storage
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 7, tables. 13, ref 5, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 19 (2016 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-3
Kuranova L. K., Zhivlyantseva Yu. V., Grokhovsky V. A.
The study of biological value of peptone derived from secondary raw fish
The possibility of using secondary fish raw materials in particular musculoskeletal waste from filleting the cod species of fish as raw material base for production of food peptones has been studied. The content of water, fat, protein substances, chloride sodium in the raw material and the product have been determined by standard methods. Amino-acid composition has been determined by high effective liquid chromatography. The biological value of peptone and the balance of essential amino acids have been calculated. It has been established that waste from the cod filleting (the humerus with excess flesh) contains 18.95 % protein and a slight (0.15 %) amount of fat. The models of peptone – fermentative fish hydrolyzate obtained from cod withdrawals – have been researched. Proteolytic activity used in the hydrolysis of enzyme (protosubtilin G3X) has been defined as 560.77 mmol TYR/g. Peptone is an amorphous, fine powder of a light beige color. The product is hygroscopic, readily soluble in water. The chemical and biochemical quality characteristics of enzymatic peptone have been defined. Mass fraction of protein in the derived product is 92.27 %, mass fraction of water – 4.7 %, sodium chloride and 2.6 %, fat – 0.3 %. The total number of amino acids in the product is 94.7 %. Peptone in protein contains all the essential amino acids, the total content of which is 40.8 %. The biological value of the product has been estimated by calculation methods. It has been established that tryptophan is the only limiting amino acid in the protein of peptone, amino-acid score is 66.8 %, the rationality coefficient of the product is 0.42, which characterizes it as a fairly balanced protein product. Peptone obtained from secondary fish raw materials by protein content and its properties corresponds to the category of protein isolates and can be recommended for use in food as complete protein food additives and as protein content in sports nutrition products
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 4, tables. 1, ref 14, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 19 (2016 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-3
Grokhovsky V. A., Kuranova L. K., Volchenko V. I., Glukharev A. Yu., Glazunov Yu. T.
New type of canned cod gonads and liver pastes
The urgency of rational way of processing the offal of the Gadidae family (liver and gonads) for food purposes has been proved. The possibility of using the frozen gonads (milt and caviar) and the liver of the cod in the human nutrition (especially for the people of elderly age) has been researched. The frozen gonads with addition of fish liver are proven to be used for producing the canned foods with high quality level. The physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of the product have been determined by the standardized methods. The quality level of canned foods has been obtained using the developed criteria of the objective evaluation of the quality. The specimens of the canned pastes produced from the frozen cod milt, caviar and liver using different compositions have been researched. Near-to-optimal composition of the new product has been defined. The quality level of canned food is 88.6 %. The commercial sterility of the canned food specimens prepared using the developed technology has been established. The chemical composition and the sensory characteristics of canned food have been researched. It has been established that protein content in the canned food is 12.9 %, fat content – 13.5 %, water content – 71.2 %, sodium chloride content – 1.3 %, carbohydrates content – 0.5 %. The product is the uniform, finely ground, evenly mixed mass with the presence of the separate caviar grains. The color of the paste is light-beige. The canned food has the tender consistency, pleasant taste and aroma. The energy value of the product is 678 kJ (162 kcal). Using the frozen cod caviar, milt and liver for producing the developed assortment of canned foods will make it possible to solve the problem of the complex processing of fish, and also to manufacture the canned food of high quality on the shore enterprises from the frozen fish offal (caviar, milt and liver) all the year round
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 1, tables. 4, ref 10, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 20 (2017 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-3
Stolyanov A. V., Kaychenov A. V., Kuranova L. K., Maslov A. A., Grokhovsky V. A.
Temperature field investigation of the industrial autoclave ASCAMAT-230
Heterogeneity of the temperature field in the sterilization chambers of industrial autoclaves during heating and cooling phase is one of the problems in the development of new regime for product heat treatment on the preliminary selection and laboratory testing stages. This is the reason of studying the temperature field of the industrial autoclave ASCAMAT-230. The autoclave ASCAMAT-230 is a vertical autoclave of 230 liters capacity heated by three tubular electric heaters. Determination of temperature field parameters has been carried out according to the method for studying the temperature field of periodic devices' heating medium for sterilizing canned food. Six Thermochron iButton temperature loggers have been used to measure the temperatures in the sterilization chamber of the ASCAMAT-230 autoclave. Logger 1 has been put in the place of the standard thermometer installation, loggers 2 and 3, 5 and 6 – in the center and on periphery of the lower and upper parts of the autoclave respectively, logger 4 – in the center of the middle part of the autoclave's sterilization chamber. Temperature measurement in cans with the product has been carried out by temperature loggers from the Ellab TrackSense PRO complex. The loggers have been installed in two cans with homogeneous product located in the upper and lower parts of the autoclave. The time temperature dependences for the entire sterilization process, as well as for the heating and cooling stages have been constructed according to the acquired information. Based on these data conclusions about the uniformity of the temperature field inside the sterilization chamber of the autoclave ASCAMAT-230 during the heating, sterilization and cooling stages have been developed. Some recommendations for using the autoclave ASCAMAT-230 in the preliminary selection and verification of sterilization regimes for canned foods from hydrobionts, and also for the creation of an industrial autoclave control system have been given in the paper.
(in English, стр.8, fig. 9, tables. 0, ref 5, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-3
Demid A. V., Grokhovsky V. A., Kuranova L. K., Volchenko V. I.
Development of new delicacy pasteurized canned fish with exotic fruits and olive oil
The technology of high quality delicacy pasteurized canned foods from salmon fillets with the addition of exotic fruit and olive oil using heating temperature of less than 100 °C has been developed. The acceptable composition of marinade without common salt has been found experimentally. The sensory estimation mark of the product with this marinade formulation has reached 19.2 points on a 20 point scale. The most acceptable composition of canned salmon fillets with pineapple and olive oil characterized by a high content of salmon fillets has been determined (133 g from net weight 170, can 2). The results of preliminary heat engineering experiments using the complex Ellab TrackSense PRO (Denmark) have allowed to choose temperature-time mode of pasteurization of semi-canned foods packed in metal cans № 2 (net weight 170g): the duration of actual pasteurization is 60 minutes, the temperature is 85 °C. The practical lethality of the pasteurization mode is found to be 99.7 conditional minutes. Microbiological tests have shown that QMAFAnM before pasteurization is from 1.5 ? 103 to 2.1 ? 104 CFU/g which is less than normative values, while after pasteurization it is decreased to 5 ? 101 CFU/g. The results of complex thermophysical, microbiological, and sensory researches have made it possible to clarify the pasteurization mode of the developed semi-canned foods. The microbiological stability of the developed semi-canned foods during 3-month storage at the temperature +3…5 °C and at the air humidity of 75 % has been proved. The chemical composition and energy value of developed canned foods has been found: total protein and lipid amount is more than 45 % of the product, the energy value is equal to 301 kcal. The content of selected fatty acids has been found, the monounsaturated fatty acids has been proved to be dominated in the lipids. The safety, high quality and food value of the developed delicacy semi-canned foods form the salmon fillets with addition of exotic fruit and olive oil have been proved.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 7, tables. 9, ref 5, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 27 (2024 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-3
Zhivliantceva Yu. V., Kuranova L. K., Grokhovsky V. A.
The use of protein hydrolysate from fish waste as part of microbiological culture media
The need to involve in the processing of significant amount of secondary protein-containing raw materials formed during fish cutting, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the shortage of a source of the protein component of microbiological nutrient media determines the relevance of the work. The goal was to study the possibility of using fish protein hydrolyzate obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis from secondary fish raw materials in microbiological nutrient media. Microbiological and physicochemical methods were used to conduct research. When optimizing the developed algorithm for the fermentation process, a mathematical model of the experiment was used with a minimum number of experiments. An algorithm has been developed for obtaining fish protein hydrolyzate from meat and bone waste from cutting pelagic fish (cod). The hydrolysis parameters were optimized: the concentration of the enzyme preparation is 1.33 % of the total mass of waste, the duration of the fermentation process – 3 hours. The characteristics of the resulting fish hydrolyzate are determined: the mass fraction of total nitrogen – 13 %, amine – 3.6 %, water – 4.6 %, sodium chloride – 2.7 %, fat – 0.3 %. An experimental fish hydrolyzate has been studied as a source of protein nitrogen in accordance with the formulation of a microbiological medium used for counting when growing colonies of microorganisms. The effectiveness of the prepared nutrient media was assessed by comparing the performance coefficients of the experimental and control nutrient media, as well as by identifying test microorganisms grown on the experimental medium. It was established that the growth pattern of test cultures both on the studied nutrient medium and on the control medium was almost the same. Test microorganisms retained their biochemical, morphological and cultural characteristics. The research results showed the possibility of using fish protein hydrolyzate obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis from secondary fish raw materials in microbiological nutrient media.
(in English, стр.8, fig. 0, tables. 5, ref 10, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)