Vol. 24 (2021 year), No. 1, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2021-24-1
Gorbacheva T. T., Lusis A. V., Ivanova L. A.
Chemical amelioration of nepheline sands using sewage sludge from a regional wastewater treatment plant
The studies on the use of municipal wastewater sludge as an unconventional chemical ameliorant with a fertilizing effect were carried out on ore dressing waste ("tailings") of the apatite-nepheline plant ANOF-2 KF JSC "Apatit" with a predominance of nepheline sands in their composition. The tailings dump is included in the list of objects of accumulated environmental damage in the region, but due to its rich mineral composition, it is recognized as a technogenic deposit subject to conservation for the prospect of obtaining apatite, nepheline, sphene, aegirine and titanomagnetite concentrates. In the work, the method of phytotesting of soil irrigated with unfiltered rainwater with fragmentary application of sewage sludge of a regional wastewater treatment plant enterprise has been applied. The experiments have been carried out on a single-species seed recommended for reclamation of disturbed territories in the northern regions. During the formation of a sown phytocenosis from meadow timothy (Phleum pratense L.) on nepheline sands, the stimulating effect of sewage sludge on the nutrient regime of the soil is confirmed. After phytoextraction (at the end of the experiment), it retains a high residual pool of basic nutrients (N, P, K), which indicates a prolonged action of sewage sludge. To confirm the effect obtained in laboratory conditions, a field experiment has been laid at the ANOF-2 reserve tailing dump in 2019, observations are continuing.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 1, tables. 2, ref 20, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 26 (2023 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2023-26-4
Kanochkina M. S., Ivanova L. A., Konovalova A. D., Levin O. N.
Features of the selection of starter cultures in the production of functional fermented milk products
Modern trends in the formation of a healthy lifestyle have led to the active development of technologies for the production of functional fermented milk products. The selection of a rational combination of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria for creating starter cultures should provide products with functional properties and take into account the following criteria: the product must be safe (each microorganism included in its composition must be tested and assessed from a safety point of view, including confirmation of the absence of genes antibiotic resistance); the product must have nutritional value; the product must meet certain quantitative characteristics (amount of probiotics, acidity level, energy value). In the course of studying the features of the selection of starter cultures (lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria) in the production of functional fermented milk products, a search (using key words) for literature sources published between 2012 and April 2023 was carried out and related to the development of starter cultures and functional products. Using three search engines, 105 sources were selected and checked for compliance with the designated inclusion criteria. Among the selected sources, only 69 could be applicable for writing a review that has examined the effect of functional fermented milk products on the human body and has analyzed the potential of using lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria as a component of the starter composition.
(in Russian, стр.18, fig. 3, tables. 3, ref 69, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)