Vol. 3 (2000 year), No. 3
Keller G.S.
Euro-asianism in Russian philosophical and political ideas
The paper contains the comparative analysis of the Euroasian concept of the Russian history. The characteristic of this concept, the genesis and main features of Euro-asianism has been presented. The special attention has been paid to the idea of connection of a geographic landscape with a history of the country.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 13, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 19 Kb)
Vol. 5 (2002 year), No. 3
Keller G.S.
Dialectics of common to all mankind and national values in the Euroasian concept
In the paper the relation between common to all mankind and national values in the Euroasian concept formed in the 20s and 30s of the XX century has been considered. The paper shows that central expression of the culture content from the point of view of Euroasians is the "idea-ruler", which reflects the ideal and fundamental values accumulated by the peoples of Russia during its history. The author underlines that the basic motive of the Euroasian concept is the idea of continuity, synthetical character, openness of the Russian culture.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 11, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 11 Kb)