Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-2
Kirillova N. R.
Growth of Pedicularis palustris L. (Orobanchaceae) in the grassy fens of the Murmansk Region
The main stages of ontogenetic growth of Pedicularis palustris (Orobanchaceae) in the multi-species communities of grassy fens in the central part of the Murmansk region (in the vicinity of the town of Apatity) have been considered. The work was carried out in 2012-2016 within the boundaries of two communities: a slope eriophoro-baeothrio-cyperetum mire (Population 1) and a slope eriophoro-triglochino-cyperetum mire (Population 2); herbarium and descriptive material has been collected (more than 200 individuals in 17 parameters) reflecting the sequence of passage of age-related conditions, their duration and signs. As a result of the experiments, the low germination of seeds of Pedicularis palustris has been detected. In the development of this biennial semi-parasitic plant, three periods (latent, regenerative, generative) have been identified, four ontogenetic states (resting seeds, seedlings, juvenile, vegetative and generative) and their main features have been described. The scheme of ontogenesis has been presented. The full growth of wetland marsh in the communities under study takes place during two growing seasons. The main phenological phases of the generative period have been determined: flowering from the end of June to August, maturing of seeds from the end of July to the end of August. In the autumn of the first year of life, a rosette vegetative plant forms a vegetative-generative kidney and in the spring of the following year it continues vegetation, reaches a generative state, fructifies and dies. It has been established that the entire cycle of Pedicularis palustris ontogenesis in the Far North takes place in 14–15 months. Juvenile species that gravitate towards r-development strategies respond quickly to changes in the environment by changing the structure of the population, therefore studying their biology and development features helps to track these species in their habitats.
(in English, стр.7, fig. 1, tables. 3, ref 14, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)