Vol. 9 (2006 year), No. 3
Klimenko M.V., Klimenko V.V., Bryukhanov V.V.
The numerical modeling of the auroral electrojet during the geomagnetic substorm
Numerical modeling of the auroral electrojet behavior during the geomagnetic substorm has been performed based on the modified Global Self-consistent Model of Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Protonosphere system (GSM TIP). The effect of the enhanced during geomagnetic disturbances Region 1 field aligned currents, as well as the polar cap potential drop difference (which are model inputs), in the auroral electrojet distribution has been calculated. Both quasi-stationary solutions and time evolution of the auroral electrojet during geomagnetic disturbances have been obtained. It has been shown that the simulation results are in a rather good qualitative and quantitative agreement with the observations.
(in Russian, стр.5, fig. 7, tables. 0, ref 2, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 547 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 1
Korenkov Yu.N., Surotkin V.A., Klimenko V.V.
Global first-principal 3D modeling of the TEC and its comparison with GPS measurements
One of the possible ways of interpretation of analyzed data based on theory of line dynamic systems has been described in this paper. Analyzed data have been described as a result of some line dynamic system determined by the usual differential equation (UDE) of l-th level. The way of identification of UDE parameters by present data without using any initial information has been offered.
(in English, стр.5, fig. 4, tables. 0, ref 14, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)