Vol. 1 (1998 year), No. 3
Kozlov N.E., Kozlova N.E.
On Genesis of Garnet Plagiogranitoids of the Lapland Granulite Belt
On the basis of geological, geochemical and petrographic data the comparison of plagiogranitoids of the northern and north-west part of the Lapland Granulite Belt with acid granulites has been carried out. The conclusion of sintectonic intrusion of rocks initial for garnet plagiogranitoids into rocks undergone metamorphism of granulite facies has been made. Petrogeochemical data assume an opportunity of plagiogranitoid substance formation as a result of diatexis from the substratum corresponding to acid granulites by its structure. Presence of granulite facies rocks in the plagiogranitoids assumes two stages of granulite metamorphism which had been broken off in time by a stage of plagiogranitoid intrusion. The data of vibroseismic sounding show loss of stratification in the northern part of the belt connected with palingenesis processes.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 4, tables. 5, ref 15, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 3020 Kb)
Vol. 1 (1998 year), No. 3
Avedisyan А.А., Kozlov N.E., Ikorsky S.V., Kamensky I.L., Pripachkin V.A.
Geochemical Features of Fluids and Сorg Distribution in Metamorphic Rocks of the Lapland Granulite Belt
In the paper the characteristics of fluid inclusions structure established on the basis of isotope-geochemical researches are resulted. The researches have shown that the received results can be a source of additional information for the question about protonature, reconstruction of formation conditions and metamorphism of rocks formed in ancient active zones of the Earth.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 6, tables. 3, ref 11, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 187 Kb)
Vol. 3 (2000 year), No. 2
Vrevsky A.B., Drugova G.M., Kozlov N.E., Skublov S.G.
On geochemistry of rare earth elements in the Lapland Granulite Complex (the Baltic Shield)
The new data on the distribution of the rare earth elements (REE) in the Lapland Granulite Complex (LGC) for Yavr, Lotta and Lovozero allow to conclude that Lovozero norites and gabbronorites belong to a single magmatic series, REE contents of which is determined by their silicicity. These metaintrusive rocks are quite different from the basic schists (metavolcanics of the tholeiitic and calc-alcali formation) by higher content of light lanthanides and by more differentiated distribution of them. The intrusive enderbites reveal the analogous difference and they also possess of high positive europium anomaly. The similar REE distribution is presented in the garnetiferous granites from the paragneises unit. This fact underlies their similar geological position with the displaced enderbites. The content and REE distribution in the garnet gneisses of the Yavr and Lotta districts show their practical identity that along with the petrologic data determine their belonging to a single granulite complex. Low negative EU-anomaly in gneisses mates with the positive Eu-anomaly in granites and this may be a result of the Eu-redistribution in the period of migmatization and anatexis. The curves of REE distribution in the gneisses of the LGC are similar to ones of the Kola series of the Archaean age. This phenomenon and the relations of Th-Hf-Co and Th-La-Sc and the content level of some REE (Cr, Ni) make it possible to determine the protolith of the LGC as Archaean.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 10, tables. 3, ref 13, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 305 Kb)
Vol. 3 (2000 year), No. 2
Ivanov A.A., Glaznev V.N., Osipenko L.G., Martynov E.V., Kozlov N.E.
Early Precambrian continental accretion on the European part of the North-Atlantic region: Petrochemical and geophysical data
In the paper the possible process of the crusting in the investigated region has been considered within the framework of a single geodynamic model on the basis of the petrogeochemical and geophysical data. The results allow to speak about the accretion growth of the early Precambrian crust, since the formation of the most ancient complexes.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 11, tables. 0, ref 39, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 468 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 3
Sorokhtin N.O., Kozlov N.E., Martynov E.V., Kozlova N.E.
The Late Archaean comatiites: Certain aspects of ore content
Boninites are characterised by a great range of variety and they cannot be practically compared with igneous rocks like picrites, picrite-basalts, basalts, andesites, dacite, and rhyolites. This feature is conditioned by the presence of non-equilibrium phases: quarts-normative matrix and olivine impregnation. Abundance ratio and composition of non-equilibrium phases may be different, and that causes the variety of boninites. The boninite magmas were probably generated by the process of fractional crystallisation of high-magnesium picrite and picrite-basalt melts in subvolcanic conditions. It is necessary for the formation of boninites magmas that the eruption of magma was occurred at a definite stage of crystallisation before olivine separation.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 6, tables. 3, ref 20, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Sorokhtin N.O., Kozlov N.E., Glaznev V.N., Chikiryov I.V.
Oil-and-gas content potential of western part of the Arctic shelf of Russia and forecast search criteria hydrocarbon raw materials in the coastal zone of the Kola Peninsula
Along with the already identified and partly explored large and unique oil and gas deposits in the western part of the Arctic shelf of Russia there are three potentially rich by hydrocarbon raw material and insufficiently investigated areas which can essentially increase oil-and-gas potential of all region if industrially significant congestion will be discovered there. It is the northern extremity of Murmansk area within the limits of the Peninsula Rybachi and immediate proximity from the regional center, the territory of Franz Josef Land archipelago and the North-Kara shelf. The assumption has been made that questions of detection of hydrocarbons deposits in two first of the listed areas in modern conditions are most actual. Prospects of the oil contents and foulness of north-western part of the Kola Peninsula have been considered in detail.
(in Russian, стр.15, fig. 6, tables. 0, ref 35, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 2
Sorokhtin N.O., Chilingarian G.V., Kozlov N.E., Nesterenko I.S.
Geodynamics of oil-and-gas structures of the Western part of the Arctic shelf of Eurasia
This paper reviews the questions of polyphasic development of the western part of the Arctic shelf of Eurasia. The existential interrelation of geodynamic processes has been considered and formation of conditions favorable for UV accumulation in sedimentary complexes of the shelf seas has been proved.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 4, tables. 0, ref 15, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 2
Sorokhtin N.O., Chilingarian G.V., Kozlov N.E., Nesterenko I.S.
Oil and gas prospects of the European part of the Arctic shelf of Russia
Four oil and gas generation intervals have been identified in the western part of the Arctic shelf of Russia. A number of large and unique oil and gas fields have already been discovered and partially appraised, as a result, three potential hydrocarbon areas, still insufficiently studied, have been identified within the subject area. These potential hydrocarbon areas are the northern extremity of the Murmansk region in the Rybachy Peninsula, Franz-Joseph Land Archipelago and the North-Kara shelf. The assumption has been made that detection of hydrocarbon deposits in two first of the listed areas are most actual in modern conditions.
(in English, стр.10, fig. 6, tables. 0, ref 20, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)