Vol. 19 (2016 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-3
Alexeev G. V., Verboloz E. I., Leu A. G.
Research of tare hydrodynamic behaviour at sterilization of canned fish
The paper is devoted to research on improving the equipment that ensures the absolute safety of mineral nutrients in the production of sterilized canned fish. The results of experimental study of hydrodynamic characteristics moving sterilized jars of canned fish of different sizes under the influence of circulating gas-liquid heat-carrying medium in the capacity have been presented. Some experimental setup with organized top-down and bottom-up flows in it modeling a sterilizer (autoclave) has been proposed for the research. The experiments have been performed in the superficial gas velocity ranging from 0.03 m/s to 0.15 m/s corresponding to stable operation of the apparatus. Cans drag coefficient in the flow of heat-carrying medium has been determined by two methods for two heat-carrying media - pure glycerol and water solutions in experiments on precipitation and air - cans when blowing in the wind tunnel. The significant difference in the rates of cans upstream and downstream is reliably established, and therefore it has been proposed to use for the cans' motion characterization the indicator averaged over the two specified rates and called cans circulation speed. An empirical equation describing the dependence of the cans circulation rate from the superficial gas velocity has been obtained. Based on the analysis of studies some empirical dependencies on calculation of the drag coefficients of various types of packaging in the range of Reynolds criterion values from 1 to 4 000 have been offered. The necessity of using the qualifying factor for calculating the real drag on the results of the experiment has been determined.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 10, tables. 1, ref 13, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 20 (2017 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-3
Alekseev G. V., Sergachova E. S., Leu A. G., Goncharov M. V.
Assessment of performance of new working bodies of shell type for food raw materials cleaning and grinding
The analytical evaluation of effectiveness of new working bodies for improving equipment has been given. The equipment should provide the most complete preservation of useful nutrients in the manufacture of various kinds of food products. The ever-dwindling resources of food raw materials give relevance of the issues under review. In such circumstances the loss of nutrients while processing food production, especially in the stages of its cleaning and grinding becomes completely unacceptable. This is even more important as often in near-surface zones directly adjacent to the shells or the skin of the raw materials supplied for processing a significant portion of such substances is contained. The same pattern is observed in some types of unconventional raw materials increasingly involved in the production process of food products, they are for example lupine and amaranth. The problem forced the developers of technological equipment to seek ways of reducing the thickness removed from the surface of the raw material layer. This became available when using an abrasive tool in which the elastic materials are the substrate for attaching abrasive grain, these materials allow accurately reproducing the shape of the treated surface. The development and implementation of such working bodies is difficult because of lack of their production basis.
(in English, стр.7, fig. 4, tables. 1, ref 12, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)