Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-3
Kondratev N. B., Linovskaya N. V., Parashina F. I., Rudenko O. S., Savenkova T. V.
Features of the preservation of vitamins in chocolate
Bitter, milk and white chocolate differ in terms of identification, including the content of the total dry residue of cocoa and the mass fraction of fat. The mass fraction of fat is regulated by state standards and is an important indicator of the quality of chocolate. Different receipts of chocolate cause different vitamins content. Chocolate contains a significant amount of tocopherols with high antioxidant activity, this allows preserving unsaturated fatty acids and biologically active components for a long shelf life. Losses of vitamins occur due to their oxidation and transition to more stable forms during storing of chocolate and chocolate products. Unstable and increased storage temperature leads not only to deterioration of organoleptic parameters, but also to a significant decrease in the content of vitamins. Objects of research have been samples of bitter, milk and white chocolate. The change in the content of vitamins during addition and storage at the temperature of 20 °C and under conditions of "accelerated aging" at the temperature of 50 °C in bitter, milk and white chocolate has been studied. Model samples of milk chocolate have been made using cocoa butter as a fat component to determine the loss of vitamins when introduced. The greatest losses have been found for nicotinamide and folic acid with the introduction of vitamins into chocolate. Significantly smaller losses have been established for thiamine and riboflavin. The loss of various vitamins when introduced is 10–15 %. The loss of vitamins after one month of storage at the temperature of 20 °C is from 5 to 15 %. The results are used to develop a methodology for assessing the safety of vitamins in confectionery.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 2, tables. 4, ref 6, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 22 (2019 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-3
Linovskaya N. V., Mazukabzova E. V., Kondratyev N. B., Krylova E. N.
The study of the technological adequacy of raw materials used in the production of chocolate semi-finished product
Glazed confectionery products are in great demand among consumers. The chocolate glaze is a high-calorie confectionery semi-finished products consisting of sugar, fat and cocoa. The quality of the chocolate glaze depends on the characteristics of the raw material, formulation and production technology. The aim of the research is to develop a recipe for chocolate glaze using fruit and vegetable raw materials. To optimize the prescription composition the quality indicators of the raw components of glaze have been studied. Scientific research has been carried out using conventional methods: physicochemical and organoleptic. The main factor that ensures the desired quality of the glazes is the complete and intensive crystallization of its fat phase, consisting of a mixture of cocoa butter and its equivalents, in the cooling process. It has been found that cocoa butter and equivalents have different characteristics of crystallization predicting some difference in the process of their structuring in the chocolate glaze production. The basic physical and chemical parameters of cocoa products and fruit-vegetable powders have been investigated. Recipe for chocolate glaze with the replacement of sugar on the composition of apple and carrot powder has been developed. The analysis of the comparative nutritional value of the classic chocolate glaze and the developed semi-finished product has revealed a decrease in energy value, an increase in protein by 25 %, dietary fiber by 33 %. The share of minerals and vitamins has increased: potassium – 1.8 times, calcium – 2.5 times, ascorbic acid – 10.7 times, vitamin PP – 2.5 times. The use of dry fruit and vegetable raw materials is a promising direction of correcting nutritional value and consumer properties of chocolate semi-finished products, improvement and expansion of the range.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 2, tables. 7, ref 14, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 23 (2020 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-3
Linovskaya N. V., Mazukabzova E. V., Rudenko O. S., Savenkova T. V.
Justification of unconventional protein-containing raw materials for the construction of milk chocolate formulas with increased biological value
Milk chocolate is particularly popular with different age groups. It is characterized by low protein content with a large amount of fats and carbohydrates determining the food imbalance of the product. In conditions of high-grade animal proteins deficiency the selection of high-quality protein-containing ingredients for food production is very relevant. The aim of this work is to study the protein adequacy of various components of milk chocolate to enhance its biological value. The amino acid scale method has been used to assess the biological value of proteins; it is based on the determination of amino acid (chemical) score. It has been found that the limiting biological value amino acid for classical white raw ingredients of milk chocolate (cocoa products and milk powder) is methionine + cysteine. For constructing chocolate formulas with increased biological value it is advisable to use protein-containing raw materials (whey protein concentrate, oat flour, etc.) to compensate for the limiting amino acids. The indicator of amino acids utilitarianity of proteins of raw milk chocolate components has been calculated. On the basis of the utilitarian index we have established the coefficient of utilitarian of the amino acid composition of the raw materials characterizing essential amino acids' balance. We have determined the biological value of protein and the amino acid composition imbalance coefficient. It has been found that the amino acid composition of milk and whey protein concentrates is most balanced compared to the amino acid composition of traditional protein-containing raw components of milk chocolate. The limiting acid of whey protein concentrate is valine, which makes its use in the manufacture of chocolate products more attractive compared to milk protein concentrate (the limiting amino acid is methionine + cysteine). In the group of vegetable non-conventional raw materials oat and buckwheat flour are characterized by the best indicators of biological value. The amino acid adequacy of oat flour is comparable to the qualitative protein indicators of cocoa products, the limiting amino acid is lysine. Buckwheat flour is characterized by the smallest imbalance in amino acid composition, which distinguishes the proteins of this raw material with the highest degree of digestibility compared with the proteins of all the studied protein-containing components of milk chocolate.
(in English, стр.8, fig. 3, tables. 3, ref 14, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)