Vol. 22 (2019 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-3
Litvinenko O. V., Korneva N. Yu.
Prospects for using new soybean varieties breeding by All-Russian SRI of Soybean in the production of a soy-chocolate drink
One of the promising areas of food industry development in Russia is production of drinks based on soy "milk" intended for both mass consumption and specialized nutrition. The primary task in creating new technologies for food production based on soybean is to improve consumer properties, primarily their taste characteristics. Therefore, the correct choice of soy raw materials included in the recipe taking into account the breed biological characteristics is one of the factors, which determine the consumer properties of the finished product. The analysis of the research results of biochemical composition and technological properties of soybean grain new varieties breeding in All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean – Topaz, Charodeyka, Statnaya and Koloritnaya – has been presented. The content of protein, fat, total carbohydrates, amino acid and fatty acid compounds in soybean grain has been determined; the organoleptic evaluation of soybean grain, soy "milk", soy chocolate drink has been carried out. The maximum content of protein (39.33 %) being part of the soybean grain is found in the Statnaya variety, fat (21.20 %) – in the Topaz variety. The results of the research have shown that varieties differ from each other in protein, fat and carbohydrate composition, the appearance, the amount of grain swelling and the yield of the intermediate product. Intervarietal differences in protein content in soybean grain amount to 3.52 %, fat – 3.60 %, total carbohydrates – 2.13 %, grain swelling value – 27.6 %, yield of soy "milk" – 61.0 g. It has been established that new soybean varieties – Topaz, Charodeyka, Statnaya and Koloritnaya, breeding in ARSRI of Soybean can be used in the production of a soy chocolate drink. However, for its preparation, it is preferable to use soybean varieties with higher rate of fat – Topaz and Charodeyka. Soy "milk" is perfectly combined with cocoa, the combination of these products allows to level the taste deficiencies of soy "milk" obtained from the grain varieties Statnaya and Koloritnaya.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 2, tables. 6, ref 9, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)