Vol. 9 (2006 year), No. 5
Peretrukhina I.V., Il'insky V.V., Litvinova M.Yu.
On hydrocarbon degradation rate of petroleum hydrocarbons in the Kola Bay
The paper considers the dynamics of tissue biochemical parameters of fish family Salmonidae during storage under low temperatures. The complex analysis of biochemical parameters' dynamics accounting the peculiarities of chemical content and biochemical characteristics of fish is of great importance.
(in Russian, стр.3, fig. 3, tables. 0, ref 8, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 3
Litvinova M.Yu., Ilyinsky V.V., Semenenko M.N., Peretrukhina I.V.
Distribution and potential activity of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria in the water of the middle and northern tribes of the Kola Bay
The paper presents data on the number and distribution of microorganisms in the surface layer of water of the Kola Bay in the Barents Sea. The works were carried out in the Kola Bay in three stations located in the middle and northern tribes of the bay. The total number of microorganisms by direct account, the number of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria and their activity have been investigated. The number of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria depending on the season ranged from several dozen to several thousand cells in 1 ml of seawater. The natural salinity (PEMokt) hydrocarbons measured in water samples at temperatures in situ using 14C-octadecane as a substrate in the waters of the Kola Bay ranged from 0.069 to 0.134 mcg/(l*h). According to the calculations for a day on average of no more than one quarter of present hydrocarbons is oxidized by microorganisms in the water of the medium and northern tribes of the Kola Bay.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 5, tables. 1, ref 15, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)