Vol. 20 (2017 year), No. 1, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-1/2
Malavenda S. V., Malavenda S. S., Mityaev M. V.
Abrasion and algal fouling of coarse material
on the Murman littoral
On the Murmansk coast of the Barents Sea the boulder littoral zone is widely spread mostly covered by Fucus communities. This is one of the most productive benthic communities of the Barents Sea. The studies of intertidal communities have the long history, but the dynamics of intertidal ecosystems due to surf and storms is not clear. The goal of the work is to identify the leading factors that determine the rate of abrasion of coarse material and fouling algae-macrophytes of the intertidal zone of Murman. The study has been conducted in the Zelenetskaya Bay of the Barents Sea on the basis of the biological station of the MMBI KSC RAS. The rate of abrasion has been carried out during 2004–2013, phyto-overgrowing – 2009–2013. In three pilot landfills 12 samples of coarse material have been exposed during the year (from July to next July). The weight change of the sample as well as species composition and biomass of algae of fouling communities have been investigated. The influence of the surf intensity, temperature of water and air has been analyzed (univariate analysis of variance ANOVA has been applied). It has been shown that on the littoral of the Murmansk coast the abrasion of coarse material is determined primarily by the number of storms, so the storm rate has been proposed. It has been revealed that the density of fouling boulders with macroalgae depends primarily on the intensity of the surf and the average gradient of air temperature. The basis for the emerging communities of annual species are green (Acrosiphonia arcta, Blidingia minima, Spongomorpha aeruginosa) and brown algae (Pylaiella littoralis, Dictyosiphon chordaria). These algae groups are found everywhere in Fucus communities of the boulder intertidal zone of the Murman coast and probably they are the intermediate stage of fouling the coarse-grained material
(in Russian, стр.11, fig. 3, tables. 5, ref 17, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 20 (2017 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-2
Malavenda S. V., Shoshina E. V., Kapkov V. I.
Species diversity of seaweeds in different areas of the Barents Sea
The report on species diversity, distribution and abundance of red, brown and green seaweeds on the coastal zone of the Barents Sea has been presented. The authors' own data of benthic vegetation of the Murman coast, Arctic archipelagos (Novaya Zemlja, Franz Joseph Land, Svalbard), southeast part of the sea as well as available literature data have been analyzed. The maximum possible list of benthic macroalgae species has been compiled in accordance with modern concepts of these groups systematics. According to the obtained results the flora of the Barents Sea consists of 178 species: 74 – red, 70 – brown, and 34 – green seaweeds. The algae diversity of the Murman coast is the highest one with 153 species, while the diversity of seaweeds of the Arctic areas coast is much poorer, i. e. the southeastern part of the sea – 64 species, Arctic archipelagos of Franz-Joseph Land – 60 species and Novaya Zemlya – 41 species. On Svalbard, the main species diversity of algae is confined to the western coast; whereas there are only 39 species of seaweeds on the Barents Sea coast. The light diving gear has been used for hydrobotanical methods with sample areas. This has been resulted in a more definite classification of the species structure and condition of seaweeds communities depending on the type of the benthic deposit which is a necessary substratum for benthic seaweeds. The previously established fact about the obvious correlation between the distribution of seaweeds of different systematic groups and microfacies and macrofacies in intertidal zones, tides, the wave force and ice motions in the coastal zone of the sea has been confirmed. The research carried out taking into account the hydrological conditions can be used to assess the condition of seaweeds communities, to explore stocks of commercial seaweeds and to detect the fields for development of mariculture in different biogeographical areas of the Barents Sea.
(in English, стр.5, fig. 1, tables. 2, ref 35, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-2
Malavenda S. V.
Macroalgae's flora of the Kola Bay (the Barents Sea)
The Kola Bay is the most developed part of the Barents Sea. Benthic phytocenoses of its southern part are well studied, and the Northern ones have almost no modern descriptions. Flora of the Kola Bay has not been revised since the beginning of the XX century. The list of species for the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea has been compiled based on the results of expeditions in 2009–2013. The distribution of species in the areas of the bay has been analyzed. Altogether flora according to our data includes 94 species of algae macrophytes. Species diversity decreases towards the top of the Kola Bay: in the northern knee 87 species have been identified, in the middle one – 75, and in the south – only 24. The largest number of species along one incision has been observed on the island of Toros, at the mouth of the bay, – 51. Kornmannia leptoderma and Saccorhiza dermatodea have been detected as species having conservation status.
(in English, стр.7, fig. 1, tables. 1, ref 19, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 26 (2023 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2023-26-2
Malavenda S. V., Nikulina V. D.
Features of the population structure of Fucus vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae) in different areas of the Murmansk coast of the Barents Sea, 2021
The age, size-mass and reproductive structure of the Fucus vesiculosus population in the areas of the Murmansk coast has been studied on boulder soils of the middle horizon of the littoral with weakened surf. In the studied areas characterized by different temperature conditions and the degree of anthropogenic impact the biomass of F. vesiculosus does not differ statistically significantly. The minimum population size has been found in the middle knee of the Kola Bay, the maximum – at the eastern stations. In the warmer Pechenga and Retinskaya Bays, receptacles form on thalli with more branching than in the Zelenetskaya and Yarnyshnaya Bays; thalli in western Murman have a lower age of appearance of receptacles. The linear dimensions of thalli and their mass do not differ in the studied areas. The beginning of zygote germination judging by the size of seedlings is the same on the entire coast. Maximum fertility is observed at the age of 2.5–3 years. Differences between the coenopopulations of F. vesiculosus in Western and Eastern Murman indicate the important role of climate in shaping the appearance of littoral vegetation. The current level of pollution in the Kola Bay has a negative impact on the survival of fucus seedlings, however, it can be concluded that the life span of thalli is high and the population is stable.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 3, tables. 1, ref 17, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)