Vol. 24 (2021 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2021-24-2
Skublov S. G., Mamykina M. E., Rizvanova N. G.
U-Pb age and trace elements composition of titanite from granites of Belokurikhinsky massif, Gorny Altai
As a result of isotope-geochemical study, the age data (U-Pb method, ID-TIMS) of titanite from the first phase granites of the Belokurikhinsky granite massif, Gorny Altai, were obtained for the first time. The concordant value of the titanite age of 255 ± 2 Ma coincides within the margin of error with the previously published results of dating micas from granites of the second and third phases of the Belokurikha massif by the Ar-Ar method (250 ± 3 Ma). At the same time, the results of dating differ significantly from the previously published age values for the granites of the Belokurikha massif (232 ± 5 Ma, U-Pb method for the monofraction of zircon grains; 245 ± 8 Ma, Rb-Sr method for the whole rocks). Therefore, there is every reason to narrow the time interval of the formation of the Belokurikha granite massif to 255–250 Ma. The study of the trace element composition of titanite by SIMS demonstrated their zonal structure. The central part of the titanite grain differs from the rim by a noticeably higher content of REE, Cr, Y, and Nb. The content of V, Zr and Ba decreases to a lesser extent towards the rim, the content of Sr and U remains constant. At the same time, the REE distribution spectra in the central and rim parts are conformal to each other, having a convex spectrum for LREE and a concave one for HREE. Titanite is characterized by a negative Eu-anomaly, the depth of which decreases to the rim of the grain. A negative Eu-anomaly indicates the co-crystallization of titanite and plagioclase. The REE distribution spectra in titanite from the Belokurikha massif correspond to the characteristics of a typical magmatic titanite from granitoids and differ significantly from the distribution spectra in metamorphic titanite.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 4, tables. 3, ref 27, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)