Vol. 11 (2008 year), No. 2
Masloboev A.V.
The method of integrated generation and evaluation of regional innovation structures effectiveness
The paper is devoted to a substantiation of a new method for researches of sequence of regional economic data as non-stationary signals. The method is based on a reception of a dimensionless measure of similarity of the local form of investigated signals with the form-standard (harmonics with certain frequency) by use of algorithms of time-frequency analysis with high resolution and a reconstruction of the surrogate signals in phase space on the basis of an embedding procedure. The examples of the method used in order to research the sequence data for the Northwest Russian regional economics have been presented.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 1, tables. 0, ref 11, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 1
Masloboev A.V.
Simulation-based agent architecture
A brief survey of the electromagnetic transient program ATP-EMTP and graphical preprocessor ATPDraw has been presented in this paper. The possibility of using the program in the education of energy power engineer has been examined.
(in Russian, стр.12, fig. 3, tables. 0, ref 12, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 2
Masloboev A.V.
Software agents interaction models and algorithms in the virtual business environment of innovation development
The paper presents formulas for calculation of errors that arise when Gaussian wavelets are limited in time and frequency. Both error indexes ?(n)err, a (?) and ?(n)err, a (?U) are calculated on the basis of L2-metric as wavelet-limitation-error-signal-norm-to-wavelet-norm. Dependences ?(n)err, a (?) and ?(n)err, a (?U) on duration limitation ? and upper frequency limitation fU = ?U / 2?, respectively, have been presented for the 1-6-orders Gaussian wavelets. The availability of results for the analysis, compression and recognition of one-dimensional analog signals has been discussed in this paper.
(in Russian, стр.11, fig. 3, tables. 1, ref 11, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 3
Lomov P.A., Putilov V.A., Masloboev A.V.
Distributed semantic retrieval information system user interface intellectuality support: Problems and solutions
According to the conception of forming equations of vessel's movement along the area of water where inertial characteristics of liquid are separated from vessel's kinematic parameters, right parts of these dynamic equations are formed regardless of left ones as amount of powers exterior to the vessel. This method is directed to experimental determination of resistance forces of liquid to vessel's movement both positional, proportionate to squared velocities, and inertial, proportionate to accelerations. The aim of the work is to formulate fundamentals of setting experiments for determining indicated resistance forces.
(in Russian, стр.13, fig. 8, tables. 0, ref 34, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Masloboev A.V., Putilov V.A.
Development and implementation of mobile agent security control mechanisms in the distributed multi-agent information systems
In this paper the main information security problems and kinds of threats of the open problem-oriented distributed agent-based information systems (OMAS) have been considered. Approaches to information security support (protection) in OMAS based on mobile agent security system with centralized and decentralized control mechanisms implementation and pro-active software components (agents) behavior simulation have been proposed. A formation method for complex self-organized mobile agent security system with decentralized security control in OMAS, based on public key authentication mechanisms implementation via certificate authority has been developed. The comparative research of the implemented mobile agent security systems subject to security control modes has been represented. The mathematical models of the proposed mobile agent security systems functioning performance evaluation indicators have been developed.
(in Russian, стр.18, fig. 5, tables. 1, ref 26, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 14 (2011 year), No. 1
Masloboev A.V., Datyev I.O.
Regional socio-economic environment structural transformations impact simulation on technical and economic characteristics of information and communication systems
For the purpose of socio-economic transformations impact analysis on regional information and communication systems (ICS) characteristics the method for system dynamic models automated synthesis which provides socio-economic environment characteristics dynamics simulation and their impact on ICS has been developed. The technology for information support of regional ICS development planning taking into consideration socio-economic environment transformations which is adequate to different development scenarios of regional socio-economic systems has been proposed. The regional ICS simulation toolkit which provides the possibility for regional ICS characteristics forecasting problems solving subject to different socio-economic transformations has been developed.
(in Russian, стр.12, fig. 6, tables. 1, ref 16, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 14 (2011 year), No. 3
Khaliullina D.N., Masloboev A.V.
Technology and software system of information support of small-scale scientific-innovation enterprise strategic development
During the research for decision-making information support in the field of innovation management the technology and software system for management and strategic planning information support of small-scale scientific-innovation enterprise (SSIE) development have been developed. The technology is based on SSIE lifecycle and evolution stages simulation and provides critical points identification demanding managerial decision making. The SSIE simulation model under the regional science center which allows the SSIE evolvement research and analysis in the unstable economic conditions has been designed. Developed system provides the opportunity to a complex of problems solving in the field of management support, scenario-oriented forecasting and strategic planning of the SSIE development under the uncertainty and stochastic nature of the socioeconomic environment.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 12, tables. 0, ref 15, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 2
Masloboev A.V., Putilov V.A., Yakovlev S.Yu.
Information technologies for industrial-ecological safety management support of regional mining complex development (on the example of "Apatit" mineral resource industry Public Corporation)
The paper represents research and work out results and contributions in the field of information technologies design for industrial-ecological safety management support of regional mining complex development (on the example of "Apatit" mineral resource industry Public Corporation). The computer technologies and software tooling system architecture for safety management information support of regional industrial and environmental complexes (systems) have been developed. An integrated unified management approach for ecological risks evaluation and mining industry heterogenous threats analysis of regional safe development has been proposed. The paper considers practical implementation and embedding of received research results.
(in English, стр.11, fig. 6, tables. 0, ref 6, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 16 (2013 year), No. 4
Masloboev A.V.
Cognitive technology for dynamic synthesis and configuration of problem-oriented multi-agent virtual environments
In this research work a new cognitive approach to regional distributed information systems development based on network-centric multi-agent virtual environments synthesis integrated into global information infrastructure has been proposed. A cognitive information technology for dynamic formation and configuration of the problem-oriented multi-agent virtual environments as situational coalition multi-agent systems applicable for risk-sustainable regional development problem-solving has been developed. The technology provides a framework to formation of extensible multifunctional network-centric information and analytical environment for management support of regional security.
(in Russian, стр.13, fig. 5, tables. 0, ref 15, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 19 (2016 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-2
Masloboev A.V., Oleynik A.G., Popkov Yu.S., Putilov V.A.
Project implementation start-up results of information technologies engineering for system risk assessment of Arctic region socio-economic development
In this paper the start-up research and work-out results received under Russian Fund for Basic Research project execution № 15-29-06973 have been represented. The project is devoted to interdisciplinary research in the field of methodology, modeling toolkit and information technologies development for system risk assessment of the new stage of Arctic region exploration. The project results are directed to management information and analytical support complex problem-solving of risk-sustainable socio-economic development of the Arctic region of Russian Federation.
(in Russian, стр.0, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 0, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)