Vol. 11 (2008 year), No. 3
Zosin A.P., Priymak T.I., Koshkina L.B., Masloboev V.A.
Adsorbents based on magnesium-ferrous slags of the nonferrous metallurgy for cleaning technological waste water from non-ferrous metals' cations
The method of measurement of physical properties of liquids with dielectric losses has been considered. It is based on quality determination of radiofrequency/microwave resonators being sensors of physical properties. The features of this method are excitation of frequency-modulated electromagnetic oscillation in a resonator, measurement of maximal and minimal values of their amplitudes and determination of a physical property through ratio between these amplitudes.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 2, tables. 0, ref 9, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 11 (2008 year), No. 3
Zosin A.P., Priymak T.I., Avsaragov Kh.B., Koshkina L.B., Masloboev V.A.
The geo-cemented stone based on magnesium-ferrous slags of the nonferrous metallurgy – the resistant material for radioactive waste immobilization
The way of sorption clearing of large-capacity waste water of the nonferrous metallurgy enterprises from cations of Ni, Co, Cu has been proposed. A low-cost effective sorbent on the basis of a hardening mineral dispersion technology using the slag formed as a result of ore-thermal processing of sulphiric copper-nickel ores has been developed. The optimum conditions of synthesis have been revealed; the phase structure of reaction products and the sorption mechanism have been defined. The method of recycling of waste sorbents containing up to 5.0-5.5 weights % of nonferrous metals (Ni, Co, Cu) has been proposed. These waste sorbents can be used as raw material in ore-thermal furnaces. The degree of nickel extraction is 99.9 %.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 4, tables. 2, ref 5, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Mazukhina S.I., Masloboev V.A., Chudnenko K.V., Bychinsky V.A., Svetlov A.V.
Natural surface and underground water formation conditions in the Kola North (an example of the Khibiny Massif)
Processes of surface and underground water formation in the Khibiny massif have been studied using a physical-chemical model of the "water – rock – atmosphere – organic substance" system. The obtained model solutions are indicative of the fact that formation of surface and underground water of the Khibiny massif takes place on the whole in the framework of the considered system without attracting a hypothetical outside source. The results are of practical and methodological importance for assessment of prediction of the man-induced impact on water systems in conditions of Subarctic.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 3, tables. 6, ref 23, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 2
Masloboev V.A., Evdokimova G.A.
Bioremediation of oil product contaminated soils in conditions of North Near-Polar Area
The impact of oil products (gasoline, diesel fuel, stable gas condensate, fuel oil) in concentration from 1 to 10 % on the properties of the soil, plants and soil microbiota has been studied under field test experiments. Purification of cultivated podzolic soils from light hydrocarbons occurs within one vegetation period. For three months of the growing season gas condensate has been completely removed from the soil, diesel fuel – almost entirely (90 %); heavy hydrocarbons have been taken out of the soil at the rate of 70-85 %. We have selected a range of plants for bioremediation of soils at high latitudes. The following plants being highly resistant to the oil product contamination have been recommended for phytoremediation: Phalaroides arundinace, Festuca pratensis, Phleum pretense, Leymus arenarius. It is important to note that soil contamination with oil products has increased the proportion of opportunistic species of fungi compared with the control soil. In clean soil a fraction of opportunistic fungi accounted for 30 %, in the oil contaminated – 50-60 % of the total number of species.
(in English, стр.4, fig. 2, tables. 0, ref 5, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 2
Masloboev V.A., Makarov D.V., Nesterov D.P., Mazukhina S.I., Bocharova I.V., Menshikov Yu.P., Svetlov A.V.
Geoecological validation of mechanisms and parameters of physical-chemical processes facilitating the in-depth processing of complex suphide ores and mining wastes
The advisability of processing copper-nickel ore dressing tailings of current production has been substantiated. The optimal parameters of metal leaching with sulphuric acid have been determined. In laboratory experiments the geotechnological extraction of non-ferrous metals from a leaching layer representing a tailing material of fraction +0.063 mm has been studied. When investigating the geotechnological processes of non-ferrous metal extraction on the basis of two copper-zinc ore deposits located in the Urals, the authors have come to the conclusion that heap leaching is of little use for the ores of the Letneye deposit. Leaching results for the Yaman-Kasy ore have shown more promise.
(in English, стр.8, fig. 6, tables. 1, ref 16, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 16 (2013 year), No. 2
Klyuchnikova E.M., Masloboev V.A.
Ecological and economical analysis of regional waste management policy (by the example of the Murmansk region)
The paper reviews environmental and economical problems connected with current waste management practice in the Murmansk region. The regional waste management policy has been analyzed. Some recommendations for its improvement have been given.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 1, tables. 1, ref 12, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 16 (2013 year), No. 3
Bayurova Yu.L., Nesterov D.P., Korneva E.A., Svetlov A.V., Makarov D.V., Masloboev V.A.
Artificial geochemical barriers as a way to solution of ecological and technological problems
Possibility of use as an artificial geochemical barrier of various mixtures chemically reactive minerals and rocks, products and wastes of chemical and metallurgical processing of ores and concentrates has been shown. Some examples of application of barriers for creation of anti-filtration screens with a view to purify waste and natural waters and to re-purify non-ferrous metals have been considered.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 1, tables. 0, ref 22, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)