Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 1
Masloboeva S.M., Makarov D.V., Nesterov D.P., Tikhomirova E.L.
Research of behaviour of the potassium peroxypentofluorotantalate monohydrate at heating
The interaction of vermiculite ores reject material with hydrochloric acid solutions using chemical and XRD analysis has been investigated. The opportunity of using the tails as raw material for magnesium and iron hydroxide, and also amorphous silica has been proved.
(in Russian, стр.3, fig. 4, tables. 0, ref 2, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 2
Masloboeva S.M., Duboshin G.N., Arutyunyan L.G.
Extraction of heptafluorotantalate from fluoride-sulphuric acid solutions
This paper considers the main approaches to automatic cold smoking process, analyzes the problems that rise during the process specified and gives possible solutions. The attention has been also paid to personal developments in the field specified, that are used for cold smoking process intensification.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 7, tables. 3, ref 3, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Masloboeva S.M., Lebedev V.N., Arutyunyan L.G.
Extraction reprocessing of fluoride-sulphuric acid solutions resulting from plumbomicrolite concentrate decomposition
The paper discusses solvent extraction of high-purity tantalum and niobium compounds from fluoride-sulphuric acid solutions resulting from the acidic decomposition of plumbomicrolite concentrate, proposing a flowsheet for sequential selective extraction of target components. The extraction of Ta(V) was studied using triisoamylphosphate and octanol-1 (OCL-1). The latter has proved to be effective for extracting both Ta(V) and Nb(V). There have been selected optimal regimes for all extraction stages to provide a high quality of target products (Ta2O5, K2TaF7, Nb2O5).
(in Russian, стр.5, fig. 4, tables. 3, ref 5, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Masloboeva S.M., Arutyunyan L.G.
Obtaining high-purity niobium (V) at decomposition of lithium orthoniobate in fluoride-sulphuric acid medium
The work presents the findings of laboratory investigation and testing of fluoride-sulphuric acid technology, whereby lithium orthoniobate was processed to obtain a high-purity niobium (V) oxide subsequently used in the production of lithium niobate single crystals. The optimal conditions for Li3NbO4 decomposition providing the highest possible level of niobum and lithium transition to solution have been determined. The solvent extraction process of niobium extraction by a mixture of extragents (carboxylic acid dimethyamides of the РЎ10-РЎ13 fraction with Eskeide and octanol-1 as diluents) has been discussed. In the course of experiments, we obtained 10 kg of Nb2O5 satisfying the requirements for the production of LiNbO3.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 4, tables. 5, ref 6, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 16 (2013 year), No. 1
Masloboeva S.M., Kadyrova G.I., Zalkind O.A., Kuznetsov V.Ya.
Phase composition of niobium pentoxides doped with Mg2+ and Gd3+cations
In this work the XPA method and IR spectroscopy have been used to study the phase composition of (Nb)2(O)5:Mg and (Nb)2(O)5:Gd alloys in the concentration range of 0.05-1 mass.% Mg in (Nb)2(O)5 and 0.1-4 mass.% Gd in (Nb)2(O)5. The content of magnesium in niobium pentoxide at which the second phase, Mg(Nb)2(O)6, begins to form has been determined. It has been shown that in the studied gadolinium concentration range there exists only a low-temperature (Nb)2(O)5 modification.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 5, tables. 1, ref 8, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 16 (2013 year), No. 3
Elizarova I.R., Masloboeva S.M.
Peculiarities of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in analysis of high-purity solid precursors based on niobium pentoxide
The paper discusses the conditions and peculiarities of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry of high-purity and gadolinium- and erbium-alloyed niobium pentoxide. The following metrological parameters for analysis have been calculated: ambiguity, precision, accuracy, and detection limits for analytes. It has been determined that increasing niobium concentration brings about diminishing of intensities of the recorded ionic current in analytes. The matrix effect caused by the presence of niobium in the sample has been shown to appear first at niobium concentrations of 14-15 ppm. The isotopes unaffected by interference have a good stability of analytical signal, both in samples with concentrations of less than 15 ppm and in samples with higher concentrations. Some drift in time of ionic current intensity has been observed.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 2, tables. 7, ref 19, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)