Vol. 19 (2016 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-4
Kholichev S. N., Menshikov V. I., Penkovskaya K. V.
Study of structure of marine specialist activity in an ergative system on monitoring and managing automatic control parameters of safe navigation process
The study of structures' common features and dynamics of the technical object tuning circuit performing automatic adjustment of safe navigation options has been conducted for the first time in the theory of ergative systems. The research of the structure and process of ergative system functioning including an automatic control system with the option of safe navigation conditions has been fulfilled. The function of signals' selection performing optimal control law reconfiguration of the mentioned system has been given, and some sequence of marine specialist activities allowing solve the problem of navigation safety has been composed. The ergative system retargeted by the ship specialist has a two-tier hierarchy. The first level is an automatic control of the safe navigation parameter, and the second is the level of reconfiguration where the ship specialist changes the parameters of regulation act. The two-level hierarchical representation of the ergative navigation security settings management system makes it possible to introduce the concept of reconfiguration of regulation level as ship specialist activity which is to reduce the uncertainty in the environment in the operation of this layer. Such a reduction can be achieved as a result of exposure to the upper level associated with ideas of the ship specialist on the regulation of safe navigation parameters of the vessel on the lower level – the level of direct control automatic safe navigation option. As a result of studying the activities of the ship specialist in the ergative system on monitoring and managing automatic control parameters of safe navigation process it has been found that the main task of the ship specialist in the operation within the ergative system ensuring the navigation safety is to monitor the input and output of the automatic control system, decisions on the choice of reconfiguration laws regulating signal on the basis of information about deviations and the implementation of these decisions.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 1, tables. 0, ref 10, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 20 (2017 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-4
Tagiev T. G., Menshikov V. I.
Mechanism of decision selection defined by values of utility function
The description of decision selection process by ship's specialist to ensure the safe navigation of the ship has been considered. The quality of description is determined by a positive scalar quantity expressed by models of "scoring" function. The importance of choosing a reasonable solution adopted with the minimal loss or with the minimal probability of the maximum loss has been analyzed. It has been shown that the ability to analyze scorings that determine the consequences of the taken decision and the ability to make decisions in any uncertain conditions are the basic requirements for the decision-maker. The conditions ensuring the implementation of the choice of optimal solutions from a variety of possible solutions by the criterion of minimum probability of occurrence of large losses (negative scoring) have been compiled. The implementation of three requirements necessary and sufficient to ensure for the function to have certain properties has been described. It has been concluded that the criterion for choosing and implementing the least dangerous in terms of loss and optimal solution will exist if there are functions that meet the certain requirements. Accounting the probability that the ship's specialist selects "non-working" or even "erroneous" solutions, one can assess the quality of the choice and implementation of solutions, using for this purpose such a notion as "risk". The feature of the safe navigation is the fact that most of the taken decisions should be selected on the spot, but with analysis of the scoring function, which allows you to draw a clear line between the adopted and implemented, justified and unjustified decisions.
(in English, стр.6, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 7, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)