Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-2
Makarevich P. R., Obluchinskaya E. D., Dvoretsky A. G., Zhuravleva N. G.
Current trends of breeding and cultivation of non-traditional aquaculture facilities (arctic charr, king crab, sea urchin) and aquatic processing technology
The analysis of current scientific, technological, regulatory and methodical literature concerning cultivation and biotechnology of non-traditional species of fish (arctic charr) and valuable species of marine invertebrates (red king crab and sea urchin), as well as technology for complex processing of aquatic organisms has been carried out. The modern trends and problems of cultivation and use of these objects have been described. It has been shown that the freshwater form of Arctic charr has been successfully used in aquaculture in many countries while the aquaculture of anadromous (migratory) charr as an object of mariculture is still poorly developed and using this fish in mariculture is still too early. It is possible that in the near future as a result of breeding selection or interspecific crosses some forms with the required properties will be obtained. An analysis of published data suggests that there were no regular maintenance work in Russia on cultivation of sea urchins for obtaining their high-quality products to establish a basis (ingredients) of production for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The main efforts of previous studies on aquaculture of red king crab were aimed at the cultivation of larvae and postlarvae and rearing of mature males to reach an appropriate commercial quality. However, it should be noted that the methods of cultivation of crabs aged 3–5 years have not yet been well developed. There is also no information on the availability of accessible and relatively cheap ways to accelerate the molting process in crab, and it is known that just a long period of growing this crustacean (the commercial size is reached at age of 9–10 years) prevents the development of the red king crab aquaculture in a commercial scale. Modern processing of marine aquatic organisms should be based on a comprehensive, non-waste approach of producing traditional foods, therapeutic and prophylactic means and feed for aquaculture. The establishment of such a united technological cycle for processing red king crabs, sea urchins, and arctic charrs is a promising direction of development of the fish processing industry in the Murmansk region.
(in English, стр.15, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 58, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-3
Obluchinskaya E. D.
Antioxidant complex extracts from fucus algae of the Barents Sea
A new method for obtaining antioxidant complex extracts from fucus algae has been proposed at the example of three mass species of the Barents Sea: Fucus vesiculosus, Fucus serratus and Fucus distichus. The chemical composition and antioxidant activity of new phytocomplexes has been studied. The high value of the main antioxidants – fucoidan, polyphenols, free amino acids and ascorbic acid – has been shown. For the most important indicators from the antioxidant activity point of view (fucoidan, polyphenols, ascorbic acid), a technological yield has been calculated in terms of the content of BAS in dry raw materials. The use of the new method has made it possible to achieve the most complete extraction of polyphenols and ascorbic acid (over 90 %) from algal raw materials with the simultaneous increasing the percentage of these substances in extracts of fucus algae (25–30 % for polyphenols). The content of fucoidan equal to 50–60 % also advantageously distinguishes the dry extracts obtained by the developed method from the extracts described in the literature. The antioxidant activity of dry extracts of fucus algae has been tested by comparing samples with quercetin, which belongs to a group of plant flavonoids. As a result of the study, a high antiradical activity of all the extracts studied with respect to the DPPH radical has been established. The greatest antiradical activity is characteristic of extracts from the Fucus vesiculosus. The IC50 value (0.035–0.038 mg/ml) has been compared to the IC50 of the quercetin comparison agent (0.026 mg/ml).
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 1, tables. 1, ref 20, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 22 (2019 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-3
Daurtseva A. V., Obluchinskaya E. D.
The stability of pigments in the thalli and extracts of the Barents Sea fucus algae
Fucus algae of the Barents Sea are a promising source of biologically active substances (BAS), including carotenoid and chlorophyll pigments. The main direction of processing these types of brown algae is aimed at obtaining polysaccharides, and therefore pigments can be lost during the purification stages of the target components. Freezing as a type of preservation of algae is becoming more common, while the biochemical processes during storage of this type of raw material remain poorly understood. The study shows the effect of long-term storage (6 months) in the freezer of frozen thalli of such types of brown algae as Fucus vesiculosus, Fucus distichus and Ascophyllum nodosum on the content of fucoxanthin and chlorophyll a in them. Analysis of the pigment content has been performed by HPLC, spectroscopy – in the visible and UV spectral area. In the course of the work it has been revealed that during the storage of algal thalli pigment degradation do not occur, in addition in some cases their content in the extract has increased 1.5–2 times. On the example of ethanol extract from frozen Ascophyllum thalli the stability of pigments during storage in the refrigerating chamber during the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th and 30th days of storage has been studied.It has been established that the content of fucoxanthin and chlorophyll a practically do not change during the studied period. It has been also shown that the concentration of the Ascophyllum extract under vacuum at a temperature of 50 °C does not affect the quantitative content of fucoxanthin, however, the amount of chlorophyll a decreases 40 times. The results of the work can contribute to the development of new ways of processing promising types of algae in the Barents Sea with obtaining therapeutic and preventive food products.
(in English, стр.7, fig. 4, tables. 0, ref 18, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)