Vol. 7 (2004 year), No. 1
Makarov D.V., Pavlov V.V.
The research of electrochemical properties of sulphide minerals in acidic media
Using potentiometry, IR-spectroscopy and optical microscopy the electrochemical properties of sulphide minerals in acidic media have been studied. The sequence of the minerals' oxidation obtained from electrode potentials in H2SРћ4 solution: sphalerite - galena - pentlandite - pyrrhotite - pyrite; in FeCl3 solution: galena - pentlandite - sphalerite - pyrite - chalcopyrite - pyrrhotite. In conditions of tailings being out of exploitation the saturation of porous solutions by oxygen owing to the better aeration has been observed. This produces some shift of sulphides' potentials in the anode area, increase of oxidation rate and pollution of environment by heavy metals. The composition of oxidation products depends on hydrodynamic conditions and concentration of oxygen and ferric ions in the solution.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 7, tables. 0, ref 16, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 929 Kb)