Vol. 19 (2016 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-4
Gladyshevsky M. A., Pen'kovskaya K. V., Sarlaev V. Ya.
Morphism between the planned risks of ship operation and risks in its implementation
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 1, tables. 0, ref 9, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-4
Viviorra S. I., Pen'kovskaya K. V., Men'shikov V. I.
Classification of navigational and fishing situations by the ship's specialist
Operations of synthesis and analysis of the state of the navigational or fishing situation are performed by a shipboard specialist who carrying watch, he ought to take into account a large number of contradictory factors. The analysis uses data obtained with the help of a circular observing system and technical means of navigation. The process of performing these operations by a specialist is presented in the form of a sequence of phase transitions; variants of classification of situations are studied taking into account the structure of preferences of the person grouping navigation and fishing situations in ternary terms. This classification can be generalized and used in the software product by expert systems that provide current safety of navigation and fishing. The mathematical model of the classifying function is developed that takes into account the preferences structure of the person synthesizing and analyzing navigational and fishing situations and is able to determine the state of the situation so that in the presence of one dangerous situation, another situation – in principle not dangerous – is not accepted as a dangerous one. A model of the decision maker (DM) function is proposed, which operates with the hazard formulators specified in ternary terms and can be used as an element of a mathematical product for expert systems that ensure safe navigation. In particular, the model of the decision maker selection function is a logical expression that includes disjunction and conjunction operations, combined using the inversion operation. The minimum amount of navigation or field information necessary for the functioning of the ternary classifying function is determined, which is equal to the arithmetic sum of the information volumes specified for each hazardous situation and allows using this function in technical means of navigation and fishing.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 5, adobePDF, adobePDF 0 Kb)