Vol. 2 (1999 year), No. 1
Perov Yu.V.
М.Weber understanding of metaphysical background of "thinking in values"
Reconstruction and analysis of M.Weber's understanding of metaphysical background of philosophy of values form the main goal of the paper. The value field formation premises in Modern Time philosophy and "thinking in values" universalisation reasons at the end of XIX century are scrutinized. It is because of element of value pluralism and historical perspective that the transition from classic to post-classic metaphysic foundation of philosophy was manifested by Weber's axiology. The hypotheses on philosophy of values metaphysically founded within social-historic life ontology working out in the context of history as self-reflected reality is being put forward.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 7, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 21 Kb)
Vol. 10 (2007 year), No. 3
Perov Yu.V.
The historical measurement of philosophy of culture
The paper considers works of a prominent enlightener of the XVIII century, N.I. Novikov. His work has proved to make an impact on cultural and social life in Russia. In the paper the main stages of Novikov's activity have been characterized, his philosophical views have been analyzed. Novikov is presented to be a founder of the approach when philosophical and moral ideals are popularized by public magazines and journals. He used satire as a topping literary genre for unmasking morals and manners of autocracy and serfdom.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 7, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)