Vol. 5 (2002 year), No. 1
Gavrilenko B.V., Nikitin I.V., Zozulya D.R., Kudryashov N.M., Petrovsky M.N., Korsakova O.P. and Galkin N.N.
Geology, tectonics, age and metallogeny of the Archaean Kolmozero-Voron'ya suture zone, the Kola region
The new data on geology, structure and the age of the Archaean Kolmozero-Voron'ya suture zone from the NE Baltic Shield have been presented. The zone is located in the junction of Murmansk, Central Kola and Keivy terranes and marks the ancient Titovka-Keivy deep-seated fault. It is characterized by the tectonics suture style and was formed in the conditions of the sliping plastic and quasi-plastic flow. The structural combination of the steep longitudinal slips with cross reverse faults and trusts, separated by the lenses' and slices' assemblages, was formed under the dominating compression combined with the compensating extension. There are several stages in the suture zone evolution: protooceanic with komatiite-toleite magmatism (3.0-2.9 Ga); volcanic arc with andesite-rhyolite magmatism (2.9-2.8 Ga); regional metamorphism and granitization (2.7-2.6 Ga); regressive metamorphism and potassium metasomatosis (2.5-2.2 Ga). The metallogenic evolution of the Kolmozero-Voron'ya zone was the following: siderophile elements - Fe, Ni, Au, Ag (mantle source), chalkophile elements - Cu, Mo, Pb, Bi (mixed mantle-crustal source), lithophile elements - Li, Cs, Be, Ta, Nb (crustal source), and it is in accordance with the change of the tectonic regimes in the zone geological history.
(in Russian, стр.18, fig. 7, tables. 2, ref 84, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 1670 Kb)
Vol. 5 (2002 year), No. 1
Petrovsky M.N. and Vinogradov A.N.
Geological model of the late Archaean Porosozersky granitoid massif (the Kola Peninsula)
A new geological model has been presented for the late Archaean Porosozersky granitoid massif in the Kola Peninsula. Four stages has been recognized in the pluton history: the main intrusive phase at 2733 Ma, when the long rock series gabbrodiorite - quartz moncodiorite - granodiorite - granite was produced as a result of inter-chamber differentiation; small bodies and veins of leucogranites were formed at the second stage; then dykes of lamprophyres intruded at 2680 Ma, and pegmatites completed the massif formation. The upper limit of the massif consolidation has been evaluated as 2674 Ma, when alkaline granites of the West Keivy complex were penetrated into the Porosozersky pluton. Contrary to the published early classifications, the Porosozersky pluton has been classified as a homologue of the orogenic tonalite-granodiorite formations of active continental margins.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 5, tables. 0, ref 16, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 496 Kb)
Vol. 15 (2012 year), No. 2
Arzamastsev A.A., Petrovsky M.N.
Alkaline volcanism in the Kola Peninsula, Russia: Paleozoic Khibiny, Lovozero and Kontozero calderas
This paper presents the results of studying the Paleozoic volcanic series of the Kola Province, wide-spread in the areas of the Lovozero and Khibina massifs, the Kontozero caldera, and the Ivanovka volcano-plutonic complex. A distinctive feature of the volcanics is the presence of moderately alkaline basanites along with silica-undersaturated alkaline rock associations. All of the rocks are significantly enriched in incompatible elements: the contents of Rb, Ba, Sr, Nb, Zr and Y in the volcanics of the Lovozero and Kontozero formations. The Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr data suggest that the volcanics of the study area were derived from two different mantle sources: (1) superdepleted mantle material resulted from the multistage crustal growth over Archaean and Proterozoic time in the Kola-White Sea rift-collision zone and (2) a source that had properties of moderately enriched EMI-type mantle. It has been shown that the emplacement of the volcanics preceded the main pulse of alkaline magmatism in the region and can be referred to as the initial phase of the Paleozoic tectono-magmatic reactivation. According to geochronological data, the alkaline volcanic rocks were emplaced at least 20-30 m.y. before the intrusion of the alkaline plutonic rocks.
(in English, стр.25, fig. 11, tables. 9, ref 59, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 16 (2013 year), No. 3
Petrovsky M.N., Pokhil'ko A.A.
Floristic records of rare species of vascular plants in the central part of the Kola Peninsula
The paper considers new records of twenty-three rare vascular plant species for the Murmansk region flora; one vascular plant specie (Cotoneaster cinnabarinus Juz.) rare for the Russian Federation flora has been found as well.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 4, tables. 0, ref 11, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)