Vol. 7 (2004 year), No. 3
Ponomarenko D.A.
The research of the smoke generation dynamics in cold smoking in order to get initial models for adaptive system of the process management
The paper contains the methodology of smoke generation dynamics research in the cold smoking. The author has described the experiments for receiving transient characteristics of the investigated process as well as the methodologies for getting the mathematical models of dynamic objects by means of their transient characteristics using the programme package Matlab.
(in Russian, стр.5, fig. 1, tables. 0, ref 7, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 95 Kb)
Vol. 10 (2007 year), No. 4
Ershov A.M., Maslov A.A., Ponomarenko D.A., Shokina Yu.V., Obukhov A.Yu., Korobitsyn A.A.
On the optimum performance of the IR smoke generator of the second generation
The peculiarities of the heat and mass exchange at the hot and semi-hot fish smoking have been considered. They allow to project the rational regimes of smoking analytically and to use them during construction and modernization of the smoking equipment. The method of calculation of hot and semi-hot smoking processes has been developed. The experimental-industrial unit of smoking-drying stove including the smoking tunnels and chambers advantages has been projected.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 2, tables. 2, ref 1, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)