Vol. 9 (2006 year), No. 5
Rysakova K.S., Novikov V.Yu., Mukhin V.A., Ovchinnikova S.I.
Research of chitinolythetic activity in digestive organs of hydroinvertebrates of the Barents Sea
The investigation results of phytoplankton photosynthetic pigments and species composition in the southern part of the Kola bay in the winter-vernal period have been presented. The maximal chlorophyll Р° concentration during hydrological winter in the surface layer reached 0.043 Вµg/l, in spring - 0.159 Вµg/l. In the bottom layer this index was 0.043 Вµg/l, in the vernal period - 0.119 Вµg/l. On the basis of chlorophyll Р° concentrations, pheophytin Р°, Margalef index and carotenoids/chlorophyll Р° ratio - the indices of the phytoplankton physiological state - during the observation period phytocenosis possessed low photosynthetic and production activity. Low abundance and biomass of micro-algae have corresponded to the conclusions. The active functional state of phytoplankton community during the Polar night and lack of typical for the Barents Sea coastal zone early-vernal micro-algae blossom peak in the southern part of the Kola bay have been explained by the development peculiarities of the estuary pelagic phytocenosis.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 6, tables. 3, ref 10, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 16 (2013 year), No. 3
Piskunovich D.I., Mukhin V.A., Rysakova K.S., Lyzhov I.I., Golikova L.N.
Biochemical criteria for assessing the quality of the protein component of smoked fish products
The estimation of quality efficiency of smoked fish products at various modes of storage has been presented. The most objective indicators for quality efficiency of protein component of smoked fish products have been revealed: modification of fractional structure of proteins with combination of amine nitrogen determination and a degree of hydrolysis protein. The conclusions about advisability of using these indicators in technological practice have been made.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 6, tables. 5, ref 6, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)