Vol. 27 (2024 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-2
Korneev E. S., Labay V. S., Zhivoglyadova L. A., Berezova O. N., Sharlay O. B., Abramova E. V., Akhmadeeva E. S.
Macrozoobenthos in the estuary of the small salmon river of Sakhalin Island on example of the Gornaya River
Estuaries as a connecting link between freshwater and marine ecosystems play a special role in salmon rivers. The success of adaptation of juvenile salmonids during the transition to the marine period of life depends on the conditions in estuaries. The work continues the previously started series of publications on the rivers of Sakhalin Island. Using the example of one of the small watercourses in the southeastern part of the island, the hydrological parameters and the structural organization of benthos communities in the atypical estuary have been considered. In the absence of storm surges, penetration of sea water into the water body does not occur; at high tide, water with a salinity of more than 12 psu is observed only at the mouth at the bottom; at low tide, the estuary is completely filled with water with a salinity of 0.1 psu and lower. Studies of the hydrological regime and composition of the bottom fauna were carried out in July 2022. Zoobenthos samples were taken along the longitudinal profile of the estuary at five sections (75 samples in total). Most of the estuarine reach is inhabited by species characteristic of the lower parts of the island watercourses. High environmental variability determines the formation in the estuary of young and unstable benthos communities represented by rapidly reproducing small-sized species.
(in Russian, стр.16, fig. 10, tables. 3, ref 20, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)