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Vol. 27 (2024 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-3

Pakusina A. P., Zakharova L. M., Pashina L. L., Babukhadiya K. R., Shkolnikov P. N.
The effect of functional ingredients on the quality of the curd product and its storage capacity

The solution to the problem of rationalizing the nutrition of the population, reducing the negative impact on the human body of harmful factors (physical, chemical) of the external environment is possible by creating functional products that include proteins, vitamins, antioxidants, pectins and other essential nutrients, the deficiency of which has been noted by biomedical research. Based on theoretical and experimental studies, the components were selected including functional ingredients: zosterin – a natural polysaccharide and vegetable filler – honeysuckle berry juice. Low-fat cottage cheese, which includes proteins, minerals, sulfur-containing compounds and other substances, was chosen as the basis of the functional product. As a result of the conducted research, technological approaches were formed and the component composition of the curd product with zosterin and berry juice was justified. The ratios of zosterol and honeysuckle juice in relation to the mass of cottage cheese have been established, ensuring proper technological and preventive effect. The organoleptic, structural-mechanical, physico-chemical parameters of the curd product have been studied. The nutritional and energy value is calculated. The developed curd product has an increased nutritional value, it contains biologically important components – vitamins, mineral salts, polyphenolic substances, pectins. It has a high digestibility due to the homogenization of all components and complementary organoleptics: pleasant aroma and taste, homogeneous, delicate consistency, attractive external characteristics. The effect of zosterol and berry juice on the quality of the curd product during storage has been studied. It has been proven that the introduction of zosterol and berry juice allows you to slow down undesirable processes, and, consequently, extend the shelf life of the product.

(in Russian, стр.12, fig. 2, tables. 5, ref 22, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)