Vol. 20 (2017 year), No. 1, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-1/2
Slukovskii Z. I., Medvedev A. S., Bubnova T. P., Siroezhko E. V.
Accumulation and vertical distribution of heavy metals
in sapropel of Gryaznoe Lake (Medvezh'egorsk district,
Republic of Karelia)
The results of studying sapropel sediments and clay underlying sapropel of Gryaznoe Lake (the Medvezh'egorsk district, Republic of Karelia) have been considered. Analysis of the small stock published literature and fund sources on reserves and quality of sapropel of this region gives an indication of the importance of studying this type of natural resources. This research focuses on studying heavy metal content in the sapropel to assess the ecological status of the water body and the prospect of using it sapropel deposits for practical purposes. The modern precision methods of research material have been used. The chemical analysis of the sediments of Gryaznoe Lake has been measured using X-ray fluorescence spectrometer ARL ADVANT'X and mass spectrometer XSeries-2 ICP-MS, and the particle-size distribution of the lake sediments has been determined using the multifunction particles' analyzer LS13 Series 320. Thus the results of studying particle-size distribution and content of the major components of Gryaznoe Lake as well as basic correlation patterns calculated from the data have been given. The studied sediments' column of this lake is 3,4 m, where the thickness of the sapropel layer is 3,1 m. The content of organic substance of sapropel of Gryaznoe Lake is from 55,2 to 70,2 %. According to the literature the studied sapropel sediments comply for the type of reddish-brown sapropels widespread in Karelia and suitable to various kinds of practical use. The content of heavy metals in entire thickness of sapropel of the lake does not exceed the established norms. A comparison of levels of heavy metals' accumulation in the sediments of Gryaznoe Lake and Lamba Lake located within the city of Petrozavodsk has been carried out. The negative impact of human activities on the urban areas on the deterioration of useful properties of sapropel deposits of small Karelian lakes has been clearly illustrated.
(in Russian, стр.12, fig. 4, tables. 3, ref 28, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 23 (2020 year), No. 1, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2020-23-1
Slukovskii Z. I.
Background concentrations of heavy metals and other chemical elements in the sediments of small lakes in the south of Karelia, Russia
The average background concentrations of 42 elements, including heavy metals which are the most dangerous pollutants of the environment, were calculated based on detailed research of sediments of 15 small lakes in the south of the Republic of Karelia. The sediment samples from the lakes were collected from 2016 to 2018. The main items of equipment were a gravity sampler Limnos and hand sampler. The former is capable of producing a 60 cm core and dividing it into 1 cm layers, the latter can enter sediment to a depth of 15 m. All samples were prepared by chemical analysis and measured using uniform methods. The concentrations of chemical elements were taken by the mass-spectral method on a ХSeries-2 ICP-MS. To reveal the layers accumulated in the pre-industrial period, similar research of the area of the Murmansk region and countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula were used. Besides this, the geochemistry and geochronology of lake studies of the author were also used. Eventually, from 73 to 76 samples were taken for an assessment of background concentrations of heavy metals and other elements in the sediments of the lakes from Karelia's south. Given that the data obtained do not obey the normal distribution law, which is often found in geochemistry, the median sample was taken as the averaged background concentration of chemical elements. The results were similar to analog data for neighboring regions, including the Murmansk region and Scandinavian countries. Moreover, the levels of accumulation of chemical elements in lake sediments of Karelia's south are similar to some of the data for stream sediments of the studied region. The exceptions were elements controlled by terrigenous fractions of the stream sediments. This fraction is more rapidly accumulated in the stream and river sediments than in lake sediments. New data can be used for future environmental and geochemistry studies of the sediments of small lakes subject to anthropogenic impact.
(in English, стр.8, fig. 6, tables. 2, ref 35, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 24 (2021 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2021-24-2
Postevaya M. A., Slukovskii Z. I.
Analysis of atmospheric emissions in Murmansk and their relationship with pollution of urban lakes
The main sources of anthropogenic emissions into the atmosphere of Murmansk are emissions from thermal power plants and boiler houses operating on fuel oil. As a result of the analysis of the dynamics of pollutant emissions from stationary anthropogenic sources for the period 1997–2019 it has been established that the level of air pollution is assessed as low; there is a tendency towards a decrease in gross emissions from stationary sources. The main pollutants from thermal power plants are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and benzo(a)pyrene. Together with gaseous and liquid substances, fuel oil ash and products of incomplete underburning of fuel, which include heavy metals V, Ni, Cr, Pb, Fe, Sn, enter the atmospheric air. Technogenic compounds of heavy metals and other pollutants from the enterprises of the power unit, falling out with dust or precipitation on the surface and catchment areas of lakes, affect the formation of the chemical composition of surface soils, waters and bottom sediments of water bodies. This is reflected in an increase in the concentration of heavy metals (in particular, V and Ni) in the water and bottom sediments of the lakes of Murmansk in comparison with the background values.
(in Russian, стр.11, fig. 5, tables. 2, ref 34, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)