Vol. 25 (2022 year), No. 4, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2022-25-4
Nemirovskiy A. E., Kichigina G. A., Sergievskay I. Y., Nikiforova O. M., Sokolova V. A.
Comparative assessment of different methods of drying electric motors windings insulation
Calculations of the technical and economic effect from the use of thermal and electroosmosis-based drying methods in relation to agricultural production have been carried out according to the developed algorithms. For this purpose, the study compares oven drying (OD) (drying box SNOL 3.5?3.5 for EM 0,25–2,2 kW, drying box with heaters 10 kV for EM 3–55 kW), electrodynamic drying (ED) (three-phase transformer for device power supply TTD-2,5, transformer TD-102), electroosmotic drying (EOD device), convective drying (CD) (CD device), convective-electroosmotic drying (CED) (CED device). EOD is free from shortcomings being characteristic of heat drying methods; since it does not require disassembly and dismantling of the electric motors at the workplace, increased power consumption and does not contribute to thermal degradation of the insulation. Based on the electroosmotic method of drying, electroosmothermal and convective-electroosmotic drying have been developed. The economic effect from the introduction of the developed devices for electroosmotic drying is ensured by increasing labor productivity by 1.5–11.4 times, saving electricity by 80–1,230 times, depending on the power of the ED, and also increasing the durability of insulation by reducing destruction to zero (electroosmotic drying and moisture protection) or reducing it by 10 times (convective-electroosmotic drying).
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 8, tables. 4, ref 10, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)