Vol. 5 (2002 year), No. 2
Solov'yov L.N.
Hydrological characteristics of the radiation reservoir of the NPP basin-cooler at radionuclide storing up
In the work the methods of the calculation of the NPP basin-cooler radiation reservoir have been considered. These methods are based on analysis of hydrological and physicochemical processes and use the known values of concentrations.
(in Russian, стр.2, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 4, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 9 Kb)
Vol. 5 (2002 year), No. 2
Solov'yov L.N.
Formation of radionuclide composition in objects of NPP radiation monitoring
The processes of radionuclide formation as a result of the NPP operation in the water disposals into a basin-cooler and air discharge have been considered in the paper. The concentrations of radioactive aerosols in air discharge on radiation monitoring stations from the Murmanskgidromet data (1999) have been given.
(in Russian, стр.2, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 2, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 9 Kb)
Vol. 5 (2002 year), No. 2
Solov'yov L.N.
The jet stream influence on the intensity of 7Ве traffic between the stratosphere and troposphere
The data on concentration of 7Р’Рµ aerosols in the surface air layer above the Murmansk region territory on 4-12 April, 1999 have been presented. The sharp increase of 7Р’Рµ caused by the strong jet stream of air has been registered. The data analyses obtained with the help of the radio sounding on the Murmansk aerological station up to 32 km, and comparison of the 7Р’Рµ concentrations and total b-activity of aerosols have shown that in this time period the tropopause discontinuity took place and the stratosphere masses of air dived into the low atmosphere.
(in Russian, стр.3, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 3, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 9 Kb)
Vol. 6 (2003 year), No. 1
Solov'yov L.N. and Solov'yov F.L.
Field modelling of merging of river and manufacturing water of the stream Medvezhiy in the river Kola
The authors have shown the injurious affect of the stream Medvezhiy on the work of the water intake and as a result on quality of water used by the population on the example of ammonium nitrogen. The examples of calculation of the water masses' self-cleaning on the basis of field modelling have been given.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 8, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 18 Kb)