Vol. 1 (1998 year), No. 1
Ol'hovsky V.E., Solov'yov A.A., Sudnin V.M.
Development of Manoeuvring Automation of Vessel with Fishery Instruments
Sorry, English abstract of this article is absent.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 6, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 385 Kb)
Vol. 4 (2001 year), No. 1
Ol'khovsky V.E., Solov'yov A.A., Sudnin V.M.
Theoretical bases of vessel manoeuvring and their practical usage
In the paper results of the researches carried out in the MSTU in the field of mathematical bases of vessels manoeuvring with fishing appliances, and algorithms and programmes for the navigation and fishing complexes have been investigated. The tasks executed at the second stage of the studies have been considered: development of the theory of the "vessel-trawl" system movement; development of algorithms of aimed trawling trajectory constructing. The results of the third stage have been represented: the investigations of manoeuvring characteristics of the "vessel-trawl" system, the principles of fishing vessel safety and some others.
(in Russian, стр.10, fig. 1, tables. 0, ref 8, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 40 Kb)
Vol. 5 (2002 year), No. 2
Sudnin V.M., Hokkanen V.N., Sarlaev V.Ya.
On influence of hydrometeorological conditions on trawl system movement
This paper considers the problem dealing with the stream and wind influence on the "ship-trawl" system. The system parameters change constantly during curvilinear movement, i.e. the movement is not stationary when it is windy. The constancy of the system parameters may be maintained only by means of the ship’s automatic regulating propulsion. It is found out that the ship’s drifting angle is the largest one at the adverse wind and the largest angle of shifting of rudder occurs at the astern cross wind.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 7, tables. 2, ref 5, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 289 Kb)