Vol. 21 (2018 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2018-21-3
Taleysnik M. A. , Savenkova T. V., Soldatova E. A., Misteneva S. Yu., Mizinchikova I. I.
Technology of flour confectionery products using emulsion obtained in conditions of cavitation processing
The idea of using the cavitation energy in food industry appeared in the middle of the last century, but due to absence of efficient machineries and developed process theory this method was not used. The attractiveness of using the effects of cavitation in the food industry lies in the possibility of a significant intensification of such most labour and energy-consuming processes as grinding, homogenization, dispersion, emulsification of food disperse systems. Nowadays, lots of works all around the world are dedicated to this phenomenon. This scientific direction has gained it's actuality with the world rate technic development allowing to create the more powerful machineries, capable to processing large volume of liquid. The development of new researching method has made the problem of using the cavitation energy – which has both hydrodynamic and acoustic nature – more attractive. The advantages of using the effects of cavitation on food media have been presented. The expediency of using cavitation in various sectors of the food industry: baking industry, meat industry and dairy industry has been proved. Specific examples have been given and the prospects of using this type of influence have been shown to ensure the stability of food emulsions. This study has shown how the change in the type, intensity and duration of the cavitation processing makes it possible to control the quality of the emulsion, test and finished bakery confectionery products. The optimal parameters of intensity and duration of ultrasound exposure have been determined: Imax = 1.24•106 cm2•s–3, t = 7 minutes, during which the maximum dispersion of all three phases (S-L-G) has been provided and the stability of the emulsion structure has been improved, which is confirmed by a decrease in the amount of undissolved sugar and formed foam. It has been established that the physicochemical effect of high energies leads not only to a decrease in the entropy of the leading processes and technological systems in general, but also to an increase in production efficiency and quality stabilization of the finished product.
(in English, стр.7, fig. 5, tables. 3, ref 17, adobe PDF, adobe PDF 0 Kb)