Vol. 7 (2004 year), No. 3
Ovchinnikova S.I., Mikhnyuk O.V., Timakova L.I.
Morphological researches of sea and freshwater trout
The paper contains the analysis of the influence of such important factor as the salinity of sea water on the morphology of trout rearing in the conditions of artificial reproduction. The authors have compared the properties of sea and freshwater trout of the same age. The positive influence of the salinity of sea water on morphology of trout has been shown.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 2, tables. 4, ref 7, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 845 Kb)
Vol. 11 (2008 year), No. 3
Ovchinnikova S.I., Timakova L.I.
Research of seasonal, sexual and species differences of white muscle bioenergetic state of cod and plaice
The comparative multilevel quantitative investigations of the brown algae morphophysiological parameters have been carried out on the Kola Bay littoral influenced by the anthropogenic pollution gradient. Algal dimensional and age-specific structure has been investigated on the organism, population, and community levels. Special significance has been devoted to the seaweed’s surface area and specific surface area measurements as morphophysiological parameters connected with metabolism of algae. The multi-parameter reaction of algae is possible to describe as a system adaptation to the chemical pollution gradient. The results can be used for the littoral ecosystem express environmental monitoring.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 5, tables. 1, ref 10, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)