Vol. 10 (2007 year), No. 4
Veselov A.E., Nevretdinov Yu.M., Nekludov Yu.V., Karpov A.S., Yaroshevich V.V., Tokareva E.A., Senyushina L.V.
The analysis of influences of asymmetrical modes on operating conditions of hydrogenerators of the Niva HPS chain
In the paper on the example of the site Sayda bay the probabilistic scenario "Pumping well" has been analyzed. The scenario is included in the list of processes and events conditioned by human activity according to the normative document on estimation of safety radiation-dangerous object. The changes in velocity field of the flow of underground water and level of the contamination passive stable tracer on the site territory in contrast to the normal evolution scenario have been analyzed. The sensitivity coefficients on the parameter of the pumping rate from the well for the control points have been calculated.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 0, tables. 2, ref 5, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 10 (2007 year), No. 4
Veselov A.E., Nevretdinov Yu.M., Yaroshevich V.V., Kabeev I.E., Fastiy G.P., Tokareva E.A.
Development of technical measures on compensation of short circuit capacitor currents on the ground and on restriction overvoltages in industrial distributive network systems
The analysis of the current actions of Joint Stock Company KAZ load on the hydroelectric power station NIVA-3 generators with the asymmetrical regimes by means of estimation of torsional oscillations and tangential vibrations in the generators has been executed. It has been shown that the double frequency tangential force practically does not create significant vibration displacements with the natural frequency offset of the frontal parts basket. The vibration rates and shock displacements considerably increase in the near-resonant region. The conclusion has been made that the intensive action of the transient currents superposition is the result of the reducing of the water turbines replacement life and an increase in the remedial maintenance frequency.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 1, tables. 2, ref 7, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 1
Nevretdinov Yu.M., Tokareva E.A., Vlasko D.I., Domonov A.P.
Experimental research of efficiency of cascade substations' lightning protection
Electromagnetic compatibility questions of communication lines with a high-voltage network have been examined. Necessity of distribution account of short circuit current on the ground for allocation current component in an influencing line and change of grounding contours potentials on the ends of the communication line has been shown. Distribution of a cable isolation voltage on a line for cases of operation accident protection devices and breakages of veins has been calculated. The variant of cable communication lines' protection perfection with inclusion of current-limiting resistors has been developed.
(in Russian, стр.8, fig. 11, tables. 0, ref 3, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 12 (2009 year), No. 1
Veselov A.E., Fastiy G.P., Tokareva E.A.
Technical losses of active electrical energy in enterprises' exterior circuits
Experimental research results of lightning protection schemes at inoperative circuit area 110 kV have been showed in this work. The experiments have been carried out during pulses generation up to 40 kV with protective devices modeling, overhead transmission line insulation "direct" flashovers and "back" flashovers. The results have shown high efficiency of cascade substations lightning protection even under application of III group valve dischargers at transmission line approach. Experiments in operative circuit allow taking information about overvoltages development, which rationally can be used under mathematical models' validity control.
(in Russian, стр.5, fig. 1, tables. 0, ref 4, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)