Vol. 22 (2019 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2019-22-3
Uskova I. V., Poteshkina V. A., Kalinchuk K. A.
Comprehensive monitoring of the bacterial plankton fish farm of the Tuloma River and the intestinal enteric microbiota cultivated in trout cages
This paper deals with the field of protection and management of aquaculture growing technologies. The comprehensive monitoring of the microbiological parameters of the aquatic environment of the Tuloma River and the observation of fluctuations in the microbial communities of rainbow trout cultivated in cages (Parasalmo mykiss) has been presented. Based on researching patterns of distribution of heterotrophic bacterial plankton in the water of the cage farm of the Tuloma River, the trophic state index has been determined, the value of which increases in the spring-summer season and has a significant correlation with water temperature (the coefficient is 0.7). The analysis of seasonal dynamics of the ratio of autochthonous and allochthonous microbiota of water within the cage area has been given; the results indicate the suppression of water self-purification process in the spring-summer season and ending in winter. In spring the appearance of bacteria of the intestinal group, in the amount allowed by regulatory documentation, indicates sanitary assessment of water. A method of scraping mucous from the given area of the rainbow trout intestinal surface has been developed to calculate the seed material; it allows a comparative analysis of the numerical characteristics of the enteric microbiota of both the mucosa and the intestinal contents of the studied object. As a result of applying this method, it has been found that the number of bacteria in the intestinal mucosa of trout varies in a wide range, the maximum number of which is two times lower than that in the hydrobiont chyme, and its seasonal dynamics repeat the pattern of seasonal changes in bacterial plankton quantitative indicators. Studying the qualitative characteristics of the microbiota of water and fish, the dominant role of representatives of the genus Pseudomonas in the spring period, both in the water and in the composition of the microbiocenosis of fish, has been determined. Together with bacteria of the intestinal group, being conditionally pathogenic and able to infect weakened fish, these microorganisms can act as bioindicators of water pollution. The results can be used to develop technologies to fight infectious and invasive diseases of fish, to control the quality of hydrobionts and to ensure the environmental safety of fisheries reservoirs.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 5, tables. 0, ref 16, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 26 (2023 year), No. 3, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2023-26-3
Glukharev A. Y., Barabashina S. I., Volchenko V. I., Zhivlyantseva Ju. V., Poteshkina V. A., Uskova I. V.
The use of fermented minced fish with probiotics in the recipe composition of dry-cured sausages
The paper analyzes the effect of using fermented minced fish (FMF) with the L. plantarum probiotic in the formulation of dry-cured sausages on the quality characteristics of the finished product in comparison with sausages based on unprocessed minced fish. The microbiological, physico-chemical, structural-mechanical and organoleptic properties of the product have been evaluated. The results have shown that dry-cured sausage samples with FMF had a higher content of probiotics (2,5×108 CFU/g) compared to the control sample (6,3×106 CFU/g), which allows a person to fully meet the daily requirement in probiotics with just through the use of 40 g of such a product. The use of FMF in the dry-cured fish sausages provides a safe pH value (5.21) and significant increase in total acidity (1.39 %) compared to the control sample (pH – 6.80 and total acidity – 0.45 %). It has been established that using FMF in the technology of dry-cured fish sausages can reduce the time of their manufacture by increasing the average rate of dehydration of the product. It has been determined that samples of dry-cured sausages with FMF have higher values of hardness and cutting force. A comprehensive assessment of the quality of sausages with FMF has shown good results – 76.85 % of the maximum possible level. Thus, the possibility of using FMF with L. plantarum in the manufacture of dry-cured sausages has been determined. The proposed method makes it possible to obtain a product with a high protein content (32.31 %), enriched with L. plantarum probiotics, having a low pH value and a peculiar sour-milk taste and aroma. Based on the results of the study, normative and technical documentation for this type of product has been developed and approved.
(in Russian, стр.16, fig. 6, tables. 6, ref 19, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)