Vol. 4 (2001 year), No. 2
Vasil'ev A.M. and Kuranov Yu.F.
On estimation of market transformations and integration of fish branch in the European and world fish industry
The paper has considered and analyzed the negative influence of market transformations and globalization on the Russian fish industry, on the problem of fleet upgrading and foreign trade of fish products. The author has analysed the problems of fish products' exportation abroad passing the Russian ports.
(in Russian, стр.6, fig. 0, tables. 1, ref 8, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 17 Kb)
Vol. 6 (2003 year), No. 2
Vasil'ev A.M., Mar'ina V.P.
Theoretical and practical aspects of the tax policy perfection in the fish industry
In the paper the level of tax burden in Russia has been shown in comparison with other countries. The reasons of smaller tax burden in fishery have been given. The basic directions of the tax policy perfection in the fish industry have been proved: 1) the value-added tax (VAT) at export of fish production has been offered to be included in the cost price of production; 2) as to uniform social tax it is expediently either to reduce the rate, having compensated losses of the budgets by payment for bioresources or to transfer a part of payments on physical persons, having increased the salary and entering an ascending scale of surtax; 3) the payment for bioresources should be collected by differential rates.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 2, tables. 1, ref 5, MS Word 95, MS Word 95 21 Kb)
Vol. 8 (2005 year), No. 2
Vasil'ev A.M.
Comparison of state control and fishery regulation in Norway and in Russia (including the European North)
The paper has considered the different aspects of control and regulation of fishery in Norway and the European North of Russia: state organs of control and their functions, methods of fishery potential regulation, level of off-shore fishing, regulation of fishermen income, price regulation, international markets' research, export control and others.
(in Russian, стр.3, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 0, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 177 Kb)
Vol. 8 (2005 year), No. 2
Vasil'ev A.M.
Management of fishery potential as one of the basic condition of fishing industry effective functioning
The management of fishery potential taking into account total admissible catch (TAC) has been grounded in the paper. The possibilities of the Northern fishery basin fleet which should correspond to the TAC average value during a fluctuating cycle have been analyzed. The author has recommended to increase the bioresource volume necessary for fishing according to RF Government regulation N 704.
(in Russian, стр.4, fig. 2, tables. 0, ref 4, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 509 Kb)
Vol. 13 (2010 year), No. 4
Vasil'ev A.M., Kuranov Yu.F.
Problems of development of biological resources of Arctic seas
The paper considers problems of rationalization and full development of water biological resources of Arctic seas of Northern Russia, discusses harmonization between conflicting interests of major sea users.
(in Russian, стр.9, fig. 0, tables. 1, ref 18, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)