Vol. 26 (2023 year), No. 1, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2023-26-1
Vasileva Zh. V., Vasilev A. G., Kirdishova E. A.
Analysis of errors and inaccuracies in the current edition of the GOST R ISO 7730-2009 standard
The paper analyzes the inaccuracies and inconsistencies of the national standard GOST R ISO 7730-2009 "Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Analytical determination and interpretation of the comfort of the thermal regime using the calculation of PMV and PPD indicators and criteria of local thermal comfort" and similar international standard ISO 7730:2005. These standards are designed to assess the quality of the internal environment in order to comply with international practices both in the field of environmental sustainability and in the field of energy efficiency of construction. The authors have investigated and described inaccuracies and inconsistencies, have proposed their corrections in Sections 4 and 5, which establish the method of calculating the predicted mean estimate (PMV – Predicted Mean Vote) and the predicted percentage of dissatisfied with the temperature environment (PPD – Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied), as well as in Appendix D, which contains a listing of the PMV calculation program in the BASIC language. The paper has been written in accordance with the recommendations developed during the implementation of the international project KO1089 "Green Arctic Building" of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program.
(in Russian, стр.11, fig. 5, tables. 4, ref 23, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 27 (2024 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-2
Vasileva Zh. V., Trishina A. S.
Assessing the effectiveness of local organic materials as sorbents for oil spill response in Arctic waters
The paper presents the results of a comparative assessment of the sorption characteristics of regional natural raw materials of organic origin: sphagnum moss (Sphаgnum palustre L.), fucus algae (Fucus vesiclousus), a composite based on them and peat in comparison with the synthetic sorbent OilSorb used in the practice of emergency rescue units to eliminate accidental oil spills. Experimental data have been obtained on potential pollutants in the Barents Sea (oil ARCO and diesel fuel) and the water capacity of sorbents for standard conditions at temperatures of 21–23 °C according to GOST 33627-2015 and in the temperature range of 10–12 °C typical for the summer period on the Kola Peninsula. The sorption characteristics of the materials under study have been evaluated in the "sea water – petroleum product" system, which simulates a real oil spill in the marine area. Tests in a model system simulating real conditions demonstrate significant changes in the efficiency of using sorption materials shown by them under standard conditions. The study has established the dynamics of the distribution of sorbed oil products and water in the materials under consideration, as well as residual oil products in the water of the "sea water – ARCO oil" and "sea water – diesel fuel" systems at different exposure times. During an exposure time of 30, 60, 90 minutes under the conditions of a system simulating a real oil spill in the water area, the material based on sphagnum moss has the most effective and time-stable indicators of sorption of oil products.
(in Russian, стр.16, fig. 7, tables. 2, ref 40, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)