Vol. 18 (2015 year), No. 2
Voytekhovsky Yu. L., Stepenshchikov D. G.
Fullerenes as potential collectors of noble metals in carbon-bearing geological formations
The results of computer modelling of fullerenes in the Bartell's restrictions have been suggested in the paper. The inner volumes of all the possible C60 to C100 fullerenes have been calculated. The numbers of dopping Au, Ag, Pt, and Pd atoms have been found for the most stable (symmetrical with no adjacent pentagons) structures. The inner volume has been stated to be mostly dependent from the number of fullerene-forming atoms than from the symmetry point group. The elongated but not spherical fullerenes possess the biggest inner volumes for the given number of carbon atoms
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 6, tables. 2, ref 8, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 19 (2016 year), No. 1, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-1/1
Medvedev P. V., Voytekhovsky Yu. L., Chazhengina S. Yu., Chickiryov I. V.
On the age of sediments from the Sredni, Rybachy Peninsulars and Kildin Island
(the Kola region) in connection with the finding of strata stromatolites
Substantiation of the age of Kildin, Volokov, Eina and Bargout formations from the Sredny and Rybachy Peninsulas and Kildin Island has been presented in the paper. The traces of microbial life as filamentous and ribbon-like forms were detected using the scanning laser microscopy in stratiform stromatolites of the Sredny Peninsula. It has been proved that the studied stratiform stromatolites cannot be referred to the formal Early Riphean species Stratifera flexurata Komar 1966
(in Russian, стр.0, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 0, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 19 (2016 year), No. 1, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2016-1/1
Stepenshchikov D. G., Voytekhovsky Yu. L.
On double bonds in fullerenes
Various distributions of double carbon bonds in the fullerenes have been considered in the paper from the point that they are absent in the pentagonal rings. The appropriate classification of the fullerenes has been built. The results may be used when modeling the fullerenes of a given topology and calculating their physical-chemical properties
(in Russian, стр.0, fig. 0, tables. 0, ref 0, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 20 (2017 year), No. 1, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2017-20-1/1
Chickiryov I. V., Voytekhovsky Yu. L.
Ti-Zr placer mineralization in 1eoproterozoic (Upper Riphean) rocks
of Kildin Formation and in contemporary beach sands of Sredny
and Rybachy Peninsulas, Kola Region
Concentration mechanisms of titanium-zirconium placer mineralization in Neoproterozoic terrigenous rocks of Zemlepakhtinskaya Formation, Kildin Group, and in contemporary beach deposits from Sredny Peninsula and Motka Cape from Rybachy Peninsula (Kola region) have been considered in the paper. It has been shown that the rocks of Zemlepakhtinskaya Formation are facially variable. The shallow littoral facies are confined to the western and central parts of Sredny Peninsula, the deeper sublittoral facies are confined to the eastern part of Sredny Peninsula and to Motka Cape of Rybachy Peninsula. It has been established that lenses and beds with titanium-zirconium placer mineralization occur solely in littoral facies. The ore minerals in aleurite-psamite of Zemlepakhtinskaya Formation are represented by leucoxene, rutile and zircon, and in contemporary beach deposits – by ilmenite, rutile and minor zircon. Paleogeographic reconstruction indicates that almost all deposits of Neoproterozoic (Upper Riphean) Kildin Group were accumulated in shallow (littoral and sublittoral) environment during dominant humid climate and intense weathering of source area. Thus, not only deposits of Zemlepakhtinskaya Formation, but also the whole succession of Kildin Group can be regarded perspective for placers' accumulation. The low grade of heavy minerals (mainly Ti and Zr minerals) in contemporary beach deposits from Sredny Peninsula and Motka Cape from Rybachy Peninsula is related to weak weathering of the Baltic Shield during Quaternary and to accumulation of coarse debris in littoral zone, preventing the differentiation of sand by wave action.
(in Russian, стр.11, fig. 7, tables. 2, ref 14, Adobe PDF, Adobe PDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 25 (2022 year), No. 1, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2022-25-1
Zakharova A. A., Voytekhovsky Yu. L., Kompanchenko A. A., Neradovsky Yu. N.
Methodology for determination of petrographic structures using the MIU-5M device
The authors develop a statistical method for determining the structures of rocks. A mathematically rigorous definition of the petrographic structure through the probabilities of binary intergranular contacts is proposed. The petrographic structure is defined as an invariant aspect of rock organization algebraically expressed by the canonical diagonal form of symmetric matrix of contact probabilities and visualized by structural indicatrices – 2nd order surfaces. A consistent nomenclature of petrographic structures has been proposed. Earlier the method showed itself well in describing the structures of ijolites and urtites of the Khibiny Mountains, as well as amphibolites of the islands of Keretsky Archipelago (the White Sea). Mass application of the method is restrained by the routine procedure of calculating the probabilities of intergranular contacts in petrographic thin sections under a microscope. The problem of modern optical structure analyzers is assignment different sections of the same anisotropic mineral to different minerals, and separation blocks of a mineral individual to different individuals. The paper describes the experience of using the domestic MIU-5M device for scanning petrographic thin sections by the linear method of Rosival. The combination of visual control and minimum automation of the process allows us to achieve convergence of the structural types with results obtained by manual processing of image of petrographic thin section. Additionally, thin sections have been studied, for which the structural types differ with various methods of counting. It has been revealed that the presence of poikilitic ingrowths and features of the mineral composition (the existence of hypergene changes or minerals with similar optical properties) affect the statistics of probabilities. Recommendations are given on the selection of the scanning step depending on the grain size in the studied rock.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 4, tables. 0, ref 10, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)
Vol. 27 (2024 year), No. 2, DOI: 10.21443/1560-9278-2024-27-2
Voytekhovsky Yu. L., Gunchenkova A. D.
Phyllotaxis: Leaf arrangement on a horizontal branch and crystallographic borders
Phyllotaxis is an orderly arrangement of leaves on plant stems and branches. The natural reason of this arrangement is that each species based on the habitat conditions in the course of evolution in one way or another solved the problem of optimising the light flux reaching each leaf and providing photosynthesis. The found optimum was fixed in the genotype and became a species phenotypic trait. In a scientific study, it should be recorded with a reliability that allows for small fluctuations inherent in plant forms under the influence of the environment. Crystallography methods are used to describe the arrangement of leaves. In the course of the study, it has been proposed to describe the arrangement of leaves on a horizontal branch and a vertical stem using the theory of crystallographic borders in the first case, and helical axes – in the second. When describing the arrangement of leaves on a horizontal branch, seven types of crystallographic borders turned out to be theoretically consistent. The nomenclature of types according to the generating operations of symmetry is considered unambiguously fixing the orthogonal increment of a symmetrical sheet (PT, ST, RPT, PT*) and oblique – symmetrical and asymmetrical (T, T*, RT); their botanical prototypes have been established. The arrangement of leaves in many plants is not described by the proposed apparatus (they optimize the light flux differently), which guides scientists to search for deeper patterns and methods of mathematical description.
(in Russian, стр.7, fig. 5, tables. 0, ref 17, AdobePDF, AdobePDF 0 Kb)